Serious light burn problem


Active Member
Ok so today when i got home my lights fell a bit and were resting on my 2 plants. Luckily the light burn wasnt too severe.I lifted the light about 3 or 4 inches above the plants. But when i got home from work only about 5 hours later the light burn was much worse on the top leaves and the sides of the leaves. The strange thing though is the very bottom leaf was severely burned and shriveled up. How could the bottom leaf get burned that bad? but not the top leaves which are obviously closer to the light.

Just yesterday i made reflectors out of cardboard and painted them white. Today was the first day i was using them. unfortunately it didnt go well.

Do you have to move the light alot farther away because of reflectors?

I have no clue why or how this could have happened, I will be posting pics tomorrow since my plants are in their dark period right now i dont want to disturb them

Any similar cases of this or ideas of what it may be?

thanks in advance for any and all your help



Well-Known Member
I'd be more concerned about the fire you'll get with the painted cardboard reflectors and falling lights.


Active Member
im using oragnic compost mixed with vermiculite.

as for lights im using 2x 27 watt cfl daylight bulbs in about 1.2 square feet of space

the reflectors wont be an issue at all, the paint is dried obviously and wont catch fire from 2 27 watt cfls which put out barely any heat in the first place lol

I just started feeding them miracle grow nutes(24-8-16) the day before i took these pics and No i am not testing the Ph.


Active Member
any idea what could be wrong with the plants? they seem to be getting worse everyday and i dont know what to do. I dont want to give them nutes cause i just did 2 days ago and the soil is still a little moist


New Member
bottom leaves usually die and fall off if you are using fertilizers, at least in my experience. The light burn is a problem, it really depends on what kind of light you're using. If its a cfl, 4-5 inches is fine. If its HID, you need to move it farther away. If you put your hand at the level of the leaves, and the light creates warmth on your hand, it creates warmth on the plants. Up to 27C is ideal, but if it feels hot on your hand, it is hot on the leaves, and you need to change it.
Good luck


New Member
yeah misting is a good one it helps cool the leaves down.

sorry for the multi-posting, I think you should stop feeding them, you probably over fertilized.
If they are that small and you are using full strength especially.
And organic fertilizer usually has nutrients (30-90 days worth) so you probably don't need even need that fertilizer.

Flush em and give them a week before you expect them to grow again. Don't give up on them, but you will have stunted plants