serious plant problems.. please help


Active Member

two 3x3 flood and drain tables, under 1000w hps. I have 50 fresh clones of purple kush in one gallon pots with the very bottom consisting of broken down rockwool and the remainder medium being fytocell. they have been in this setup for about 48hours...with 18 hours of light and 6 of dark..

they get watered twice per 24 hours for 15 minutes, once at lights on and then again one hour before lights out...the reservoirs consist of 25 gallons h20 with botaincare pure blend pro "grow" at 1 tsp/gallon, 1/4 tsp/gallon epsom salts and 0.3 tsp per quart of 35% h202 diluted 6:1 in h20

-the plants were fine about 12 hours ago, and now are severely damaged
-the temp was quite high at 92F
-the 1000w hps was about 2.5 feet away from the clones
-the rockwool cubes that orginally held the clones were submerged in the fytocell, about .5 inch below the surface (I think they were supposed to be sitting on top, with a centimeter of rockwool above the top of the fytocell)
-half the clones are totally fine, the other half fucked, with no apparent pattern
-there are six leftover clones only in the rockwool cubes, under flouros, only exposed to PH adjusted water that are having the same issues

-big time droopage
-no perk whatsoever
-leaves are curled
-darker in green color but no yellow or anything


Well-Known Member
Get those clones out of there, 92 is way too hot lol. Is it the bigger or smaller clones that are dying? If its the bigger ones, you should prob trim more leaf off so they arent trying to hard to keep enough water in them. And over watering clones just makes them root slower. Need to keep them in like 75ish temp with high humidity so they can properly root and be unstressed.


Active Member
they are already well rooted and it seems like its the smaller plants that are dying... thanks for your quikck reply


Active Member
they are just kind of twisted.. the bad ones are definitely all drooping down... some of them are drying out while others are kind of like wet napkins


Active Member
actually most of the leaves on the bad plants are like wet drooping napkins... they still have their color... maybe a little darker green


Well-Known Member
Get those pics up shortly, will be easier to diagnose the problem.

Now I am assuming since you used rock wool to clone, they are well rooted? Because 1000 watts is pretty heavy for young clones, and their root systems may not be able to support the plants quite yet without high humidity.

EDIT: Link

Just what I use for cloning, very simple, but works :P
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