Serious Seeds AK47 Regular going hermie?! Seriously?

you are being a dick to people who are asking for seeds from a grow that had a ridiculous amount of fems. you should have know people would want pics it happens on here all the time. no pic not real, you see that shit everywhere. i would say stop being so defensive because you fu@#ed up. i gotta say bad genetics can happen but paired with all females your talking a crazy statistical anomaly if your not the common denominator. i think you didint sex right. you can use your 20+ years growing and wowey you beat me by 3yrs. im going to use my education and math to call bullshit. and when i say bullshit i mean you did something wrong even though your a master botanist with over 20+yrs growing experience. your disdain for people who are asking for clarification lead me to believe your garden is sub par.
have fun being a hater, check your exhaust line see if there's a tear that let light into part of your grow, i had that happen once. really small tear "half inch" but it was more than was needed to hermie my girl
^^^^^^^This comment doesn't even make sense. You can go ahead and keep up the name calling, it's not going to help, it's just going to make you look more like a fool that you are. This will be the LAST time a response is made to kiddie behavior. Grow up ass hole.
sorry i used to many big words. and i didn't say your a dick i said your being a dick i dont know you cant say your a dick but you are certainly acting like one. keep in mind people here do help and there are allot of us who know more than even you. i recently had a issue with greenhouse seeds and i got a few jerks making comments but overall i got some good advise. i didn't attack the ones who had different opinions than me because i am not a dick nor do i act like one. and the fact that you say i make no sense proves that i am indeed in a special olympics type race with you, i will bow out. one last thing statistics do make sense if you understand what they represent they will help you with everything not just growing. knowledge is power try it out you might like it more than arguing with people. -Fool on the hill
^^^^^^^This comment doesn't even make sense. You can go ahead and keep up the name calling, it's not going to help, it's just going to make you look more like a fool that you are. This will be the LAST time a response is made to kiddie behavior. Grow up ass hole.
yeah... never had a bad experience with serious seeds and i have grown a few of their strains, including AK, and my ak was awesome. i'd put the smart money on stress.
Kids these days..

Sorry to hear bout your problems lemon. I can't say I have any experience with Serious but your plants look happy and you obviously didn't mistakenly identify them.

I'm just glad I can't see through that wall of text some little boy posted. He must have thought by "growing" you meant growing up not growing weed based on his claim.
Kids these days..

Sorry to hear bout your problems lemon. I can't say I have any experience with Serious but your plants look happy and you obviously didn't mistakenly identify them.

I'm just glad I can't see through that wall of text some little boy posted. He must have thought by "growing" you meant growing up not growing weed based on his claim.

I'm glad to see that there is at least ONE mature forum user still here. Thank you for keeping my faith in this community alive ziggaro.

Disappointed in the rest of the ones here posting basically straight up crap, not just in your idiotic comments, but in the fact that I NEVER ONCE asked for help. I didn't start this thread to ask for help, I started to see "who else" was also getting bad seeds from Serious. I have seen many other threads started in other forums that it's obvious there is a problem with SS AK47 regular seeds these days, and I don't doubt it.

Not sure why you morons get a kick out of posting stupid comments. It's not like it's going to make you a better grower, and it surely isn't going to get you any +rep here.

And LMAO at the last idiot that said "how to close account," at the fact that you think you got the best of me. It's pathetic you feel you need to respond when you have absolutely nothing to say. It really does show your low maturity level when you feel you have to compare people to others that have a disability. Having a disability is not something to laugh at and to all of you who think that having a disability is funny, good luck preventing yourself from getting your ass kicked because that's what's going to happen if and when you graduate high school and leave your parent's house and go out into the REAL WORLD.

It's obvious you dorks making the lame ass comments didn't read the rules that "you MUST BE 18 to use this forum." smh:neutral:
You have me concerned...I was looking into buying some AK47 seeds for my next grow.

I would definitely do some more research before you purchase new seeds. In google under "search tools" you can search for the LATEST topics that have been uploaded within the last month/year/24 hrs, etc. That's what you should use when doing a search so you get updated info.

The 6 AK47 females that I have still going are doing very well and haven't popped any nutsacks or pollen sacks if you wish, yet. If you do get some AK47 I would recommend either getting feminized OR getting the 11 pack of regular and sprout them ALL at the same time so that you can weed out the bad ones like I did. I haven't lost faith in Serious yet. I have a feeling that out of the remaining 6 there will be 1 keeper. I have my eye on one of them already. I will post a pic of the plant in a week or so that way you can make a knowledgeable decision when you go to buy.
Here's a thread started in 2010 that is stating the AK47 is no longer the real deal!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

You keep referencing these complaint posts on other websites. But I must say I have read many of these over the past few years and if you read the entire story on most of them they turn out to be BS or grower error. In one of your reference posts from page 1 it wasn't even Serious AK, it was Joey Weed. I have read many many posts by [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]etinarcadiaego[/FONT] at IC and he says nothing but great things about AK-47. You should look at his grows he is a master at his craft. I think you should finish many of these posts before you cite them as evidence that Serious Seeds is going down hill. I don't normally defend any seed company as they are all are capable of producing some garbage. But as far as I have read and seen over many years Serious is certainly in the top as far as quality and reputation goes.
You keep referencing these complaint posts on other websites. But I must say I have read many of these over the past few years and if you read the entire story on most of them they turn out to be BS or grower error. In one of your reference posts from page 1 it wasn't even Serious AK, it was Joey Weed. I have read many many posts by etinarcadiaego at IC and he says nothing but great things about AK-47. You should look at his grows he is a master at his craft. I think you should finish many of these posts before you cite them as evidence that Serious Seeds is going down hill. I don't normally defend any seed company as they are all are capable of producing some garbage. But as far as I have read and seen over many years Serious is certainly in the top as far as quality and reputation goes.

Do you have the link for the IC thread that you're talking about? Wonder if it's a recent thread or old one. I didn't finish all of the threads just like you are saying, it was just a quick reference, so it's quite possible that those particular threads were because of errors etc, and there is no way of really knowing, but I can assure you that whatever the case is those grows........ in my grow, it's not error, or light leaks, or temp changes, or not enough blue light, or over fert, get the idea. It's a bad batch of seedz. But so far, like I said a few times already, I'm looking forward to seeing what the last 5 seedz bring to the table.

I know that seeds aren't perfect just like the breeders. But this batch I got just seems way overboard. The only thing I can see as some sort of "mystery culprit" if not a bad batch is the fact that a CMH was used. Now, if a CMH can't cause mutations, then it's still just a "bad batch" of seedz.

I'm quite aware that SS is a good breeder, that's why I buy from them. This isn't the first SS strain project I have got going here, but it may be the last.

I've been waiting to grow the AK47 for over a year now, and it was at the top of my order list. It may very well still be at the top after the grow is done. We'll see!

But the disappointing fact that there were 6 herms out of 11 doesn't fit the "top of the breeder" list idea. Unless a strain can go herm just from being grown in coco or under a CMH the issue stands that it's breeder error, or maybe natural senescence maybe, but either way this thread will stay open so that other growers can post similar experiences here. It's not a question of if it will happen, it's a matter of when it will occur.

It's not that I feel cheated, or scammed, it's the fact that the AK47 was at the top of my list(being favorite strain ever smoked on the Main Land) that drives me crazy. It's not like it's impossible to just go and get an original AK47 or even Cherry47 cutting from a good friend, it's just that I expect more when laying down a $G worth of seedz and then having this be the outcome.

I just hope that with all the crap that was posted after opening this topic, people that do have a bad batch of AK47 aren't afraid to post here with the fear that they will be attacked and ridiculed for something that they shouldn't be.

I admit that the way I opened the topic wasn't the "best mannered" but I was pissed about the bad seedz! I should have waited a day or so to calm myself before posting.(Not that it would have effected what others wrote in reply)

This is a real problem and other growers are going to experience the same thing with the AK47 eventually unless something is done about it if something can be done. It's known that Simon, at some point did change a few things in the early 2000's with the AK47. I haven't read enough about it to know what was changed. Anyone else know?
Do you have the link for the IC thread that you're talking about? Wonder if it's a recent thread or old one. I didn't finish all of the threads just like you are saying, it was just a quick reference, so it's quite possible that those particular threads were because of errors etc, and there is no way of really knowing, but I can assure you that whatever the case is those grows........ in my grow, it's not error, or light leaks, or temp changes, or not enough blue light, or over fert, get the idea. It's a bad batch of seedz. But so far, like I said a few times already, I'm looking forward to seeing what the last 5 seedz bring to the table.

I know that seeds aren't perfect just like the breeders. But this batch I got just seems way overboard. The only thing I can see as some sort of "mystery culprit" if not a bad batch is the fact that a CMH was used. Now, if a CMH can't cause mutations, then it's still just a "bad batch" of seedz.

I'm quite aware that SS is a good breeder, that's why I buy from them. This isn't the first SS strain project I have got going here, but it may be the last.

I've been waiting to grow the AK47 for over a year now, and it was at the top of my order list. It may very well still be at the top after the grow is done. We'll see!

But the disappointing fact that there were 6 herms out of 11 doesn't fit the "top of the breeder" list idea. Unless a strain can go herm just from being grown in coco or under a CMH the issue stands that it's breeder error, or maybe natural senescence maybe, but either way this thread will stay open so that other growers can post similar experiences here. It's not a question of if it will happen, it's a matter of when it will occur.

It's not that I feel cheated, or scammed, it's the fact that the AK47 was at the top of my list(being favorite strain ever smoked on the Main Land) that drives me crazy. It's not like it's impossible to just go and get an original AK47 or even Cherry47 cutting from a good friend, it's just that I expect more when laying down a $G worth of seedz and then having this be the outcome.

I just hope that with all the crap that was posted after opening this topic, people that do have a bad batch of AK47 aren't afraid to post here with the fear that they will be attacked and ridiculed for something that they shouldn't be.

I admit that the way I opened the topic wasn't the "best mannered" but I was pissed about the bad seedz! I should have waited a day or so to calm myself before posting.(Not that it would have effected what others wrote in reply)

This is a real problem and other growers are going to experience the same thing with the AK47 eventually unless something is done about it if something can be done. It's known that Simon, at some point did change a few things in the early 2000's with the AK47. I haven't read enough about it to know what was changed. Anyone else know?

Bitching in a thread will do nothing to help other growers. It's been mentioned before, email the guys at SS with the batch number and they'll take it from there. Until you do so, it just looks like you're slandering a solid strain with your 3 month old account.
^^^^^^The email was sent days ago dude. If you actually read you would have noticed. Guy, please read betweeeeen the lines. Only bitching here is you guy. Who the f cares how old an account is? Doesn't change the facts dude.
I got a nice reply back from SS and he's aware of other growers having the issue, but hasn't experienced it himself. A replacement was offered.

SS is a great company, I've used them for years which is why I'm so surprised at what I got this last seed purchase. I think some of you are getting the wrong idea or jumping to asinine conclusions before thinking clearly. Please refrain from posting rubbish comments unless you have something useful to say.


You keep referencing these complaint posts on other websites. But I must say I have read many of these over the past few years and if you read the entire story on most of them they turn out to be BS or grower error. In one of your reference posts from page 1 it wasn't even Serious AK, it was Joey Weed. I have read many many posts by etinarcadiaego at IC and he says nothing but great things about AK-47. You should look at his grows he is a master at his craft. I think you should finish many of these posts before you cite them as evidence that Serious Seeds is going down hill. I don't normally defend any seed company as they are all are capable of producing some garbage. But as far as I have read and seen over many years Serious is certainly in the top as far as quality and reputation goes.

If you do find posts, please limit them to "within the past year," thx.
Hello Lemon,

Here is a link to Etinarcadiaego talking about AK-47 from 2-13-2013. Click on his grow links at the bottom of his post, very talented grower indeed.

Good find! He even says that AK47 does better under HPS than warm halides. Makes me wonder if that's why some of the seeds expressed some combined sex traits under the CMH. If Serious is using only HPS to keep AK47 maybe it's possible the CMH is causing enough stress to make them do this. Still doesn't account for the other 5 that are still not dropping the balls. Maybe they are the more stable seeds in the pack? This just seems a little far fetched IMO.
The more I think about it, the more I am starting to believe that it is the spectrum causing the traits to stand out in those mysterious 6 AK47's. For instance, when I grew the SS Bubblegum under MH lighting it definitely did not do as well as it did under an HPS. Makes me wonder if SS genetics just like the HPS spectrum better.

Wonder if Simon is using HPS for veg over there also. It's been told that seeds carry on the spectra preferences that previous generations had. Like when getting a strain used to led lighting when previously used to HID during previous generations. Maybe it really is the CMH spectrum contributing to the problem. Or, maybe it's a good thing because those 6 that had male/female could be the weaker phenotype?