Serious seeds


Well-Known Member
I'm looking at Serious Seeds for some time and I wander if their seeds are the real deal... Chronic, AK47, Bubblegum. I remember smoking some Bubblegum from Amsterdam and it was amazing. And I also wanna try AK and Chronic but are they what their name say?


Well-Known Member
The AK-47 is pretty good not the best in the world but no slouch. Bubble Gum is debatable I've heard Serious, TH Seeds and BOG all have the best Bubble Gum from one person or another I just went with BOG $50 per pack inside the USA can't go too wrong.

Chronic is not actually a strain either it's just what old school rappers called dank weed so it's just a name for their highest yielder probably just has Big Bud X AK-47.