Seriously considering outdoor growing in Arizona

Any help or advice would be very much appreciated. I've already done a lot of researching on this forum and on others for answers but the thing is everything seems to conflict with each other. That and all the answers seem to be from 2007.

I've been wanting to grow for a long time. I have a medical card but growing indoors in LA is impossible for me and outdoors there are no remote area's at all that rippers/law won't look for out door grows.

In the past few months though I was traveling around the mid-western area's in Arizona and found many remote very rarely traveled to area's. I'm fine with digging the holes and putting the soil in them during the winter time and all that. Each site has a lot of good stories for other reasons for being there. Meteorite hunting. Rock hunting., Photography. etc.

What has me worried is the heat. I've read so many conflicting things on it. That after 85 degree's the plants will stop growing and get stunted making everything for nothing and other people saying that even in 110 degree temps as long as they get a gallon or two a day they will be fine and make some very potent stuff provided everything else was taken care of, PH, nutes, etc. I have no problem with watering them that often if that's what it takes.

I know putting mulch over the soil can help a lot. I also read that putting a plastic wrapping all around the hole and putting the soil into that also helps with keeping moisture in but wouldn't that also lock the roots in there for ever too? It would be 3x3 hole 2 or 3 feet deep each.

Also people said that watering a gallon a day plus shade and they'll be fine. I'm sure the temp in the shade won't be to far from the temp in the sun though.

I don't know which to go by. I know the strain must be a deciding factor too. The strains must be related to treating pain, anxiety and sleep problems. Nothing but medical use strains. I don't know of any yet that are medical strains that also do the best in arid environments.

I've seen a lot of area's out here that have mountain's and large desert tree's that I could hide my plants in and being so far from natural water I don't think anyone would be looking there.

Please, Can someone with desert growing experience anywhere or in Arizona give me advice. I won't be growing in the northern area's. Or anyone that has a good idea how the plants will react out here. I've heard of people growing out doors near Phoenix. If they can do it there I don't see why I couldn't in this area.

If if is possible then I am going to do it. I just need a bit of guidance. I've never grown before but I've been researching everything I can find on it for about 5 months now.

Thank you very much.


Well-Known Member
I'd put a fucking kiddy pool in the ground and make a giant DWC system out of it if I was in the middle of the desert with a medical card. How is growing indoors impossible for you in LA if you have a medical card? All you need is a closet, or a small place to put a cabinet.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you're crossing state lines to grow illegally when you can grow legally....but....I think if you do you will be fine. They won't stop growing over a certain temp. And I don't think you will have to water that often if you dig deep holes and mulch them. Go out to the spot now and dig down. See how far you have to go before the dirt isn't dry anymore. Marijuana is pretty hardy...if other plants are growing, it probably will. You'll want a thick, water-retentive soil mix and as little drainage as possible.