Seriously? LOL


Well-Known Member
mmm patient offering services for cheap (wayne county)

Date: 2011-07-12, 9:41PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Michigan medical marijuana patient seeking work. Im a good trimmer so I'm willing to work for $5/hour cash or an 1/8th for 6 hours or whatever you want. Willing to come to your place but I have a 2 year old with me so keep that in mind. Email and ill get back to you ASAP thanks

This dude is willing to come to your house with his 2 year old child and trim your buds for 6 hours lmao Now I've seen it all... Gotta love Detroit.


Active Member
mmm patient offering services for cheap (wayne county)

Date: 2011-07-12, 9:41PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Michigan medical marijuana patient seeking work. Im a good trimmer so I'm willing to work for $5/hour cash or an 1/8th for 6 hours or whatever you want. Willing to come to your place but I have a 2 year old with me so keep that in mind. Email and ill get back to you ASAP thanks

This dude is willing to come to your house with his 2 year old child and trim your buds for 6 hours lmao Now I've seen it all... Gotta love Detroit.
i am a father
i consider myself wise and conscientious
i simply don't do things that i would not do in front of my children (except their mother ;) )
it's my onliest rule in life
i grow, trim and smoke marijuana
it's more than medicine - it's a sort of a lifestyle, really - some may even call it a sub culture

do you hide shamefully the way you earn money from your children?
do you hide shamefully when you eat an aspirin?

and - YES - it IS the same - PRECISELY the same

you either believe that mmj is an acceptable form of treatment and support it or you don't

i personally fear more the idea of my children imitating my hypocrisy than my use of marijuana.

- that's not to say that i can't appreciate the humor in what you've posted, but

were you being amused or judgemental - but i'm a prick, so ...


Well-Known Member
i am a father
i consider myself wise and conscientious
i simply don't do things that i would not do in front of my children (except their mother ;) )
it's my onliest rule in life
i grow, trim and smoke marijuana
it's more than medicine - it's a sort of a lifestyle, really - some may even call it a sub culture

do you hide shamefully the way you earn money from your children?
do you hide shamefully when you eat an aspirin?

and - YES - it IS the same - PRECISELY the same

you either believe that mmj is an acceptable form of treatment and support it or you don't

i personally fear more the idea of my children imitating my hypocrisy than my use of marijuana.

- that's not to say that i can't appreciate the humor in what you've posted, but

were you being amused or judgemental - but i'm a prick, so ...
Its about professionalism. You wouldn't want the pharmacists 2 yr old around your medication right? Besides, gut feeling is that the 2 yr old is going home a cpl grams heavier than when he came in.


Active Member
Its about professionalism. You wouldn't want the pharmacists 2 yr old around your medication right? Besides, gut feeling is that the 2 yr old is going home a cpl grams heavier than when he came in.
edit - sorry
just - sorry

sorry guys - i'm an asshole

this site is so terrible that I'M feeling like the troll

good luck guys


Well-Known Member
Troll all you'd like. I think the guy is a horrible father by introducing him to his medication use at such a young age. You're right, I do keep this from people but it has nothing to do with shame. It has to do with respect. Most people in my family are against the legalization of mj, medicinal or not. Out of respect for them they don't need to know what I do or why I do it. It's simply none of their business. This topic was not made to give you any insight on me, but if that is what you seek then I have no qualms with that. I have a young son and I would never bring him around my mj. Just like if I had prescription drugs in my home (which I don't), I would not let him play with the pill bottle full or empty. What if his child turns 5 years old and decides to smoke some of his fathers medication. That's ok with you? Being a prick is one thing, but having some sort of decency as a human being is another. Children have no place in mj growing, period. I'm being a father when I say this guy is an idiot.


Well-Known Member
My kids, 4 and 6. Help me grow my plants, they've learned about gardening and photosynthesis. They have fun doing it, they learn from it, and hiding things just makes them curious. They understand it's medicine I grow for people and it's not for the kind of sick that they get(cold/fever/flu/etc) I don't smoke in front of them simply because I don't get high when my kids are around, that probably helps.


damn thats complicated i'm glad i dont have kids thats a tuff call 8) i always keep it on the down low dont want anybody child of grownup knowing where my grow is. i'm legal but theft and things like that are always a concern not to mention if the kid makes a friend who's parents are against that it could alienate the kid for no good reason ya know
if you dont like the fact that I grow, go fuck yourself and if you dont want to hang out because I grow medicine, so be it. as Popeye said, "I is who I is."

Too late to change anyways


Well-Known Member
I'll never forget it it was the first time my mom saw my grow....

I was at my rented house. I was watering my plants. My 2 year old daughter was looking at the plants. My mom walked in the house. My mom entered my room "did not know she was in house". My mom saw her beautifull granddaughter gazing at her sons plants.

My children have grown up with the plants from the day they were born till the day I die. They will look at the world much differently as they grow, then I was able too. They will be the generation "Y" they will indeed ask Why.

To the kid selling his services... hope he don't get hurt cause his survival skills seem to be lacking.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
I think i saw another add from this guy....something about experienced meth lab cook...still has to bring the 2 year old though.
LOL, seriously business and home should be separate, poor kid should be at mommy and me or something


Well-Known Member
Does it sound possible this is a cop looking for your grow or lab? Yikes. If he's not, I wouldn't be suprised to have a 4 person armed robbery in your immediate future.

I'll trim my own thanks in my secret garden miles away from my damn family. No help needed lol!


Well-Known Member
Call me lazy but one of the reasons for my stelth, even just a personal patient grow, follow the law,
learning how to not grow over the weight limit is simple.
I'd invite an amount of shit to be dropped on my head I would rather not take up my time
defending against.
Problems not the least of which is robbery.
I totally agree with legal recreational marijuana use, sale, you name it, and I guess those close to me, parents included
have known for years. I've smoked for thirty years, so i'm sort of hypocritical, but people pick up on that sort of thing,
and i don't know many that are totally stealthy for that long. I guess in a way, i've gotten laxed since the law passed.
Just the same, it's nothing that I talk to anyone but those closest to me.
I've been with the same small company for twenty five years, to this day, no one there knows anything other than my opinion
on law being pro patient/caregiver. I've been lucky enough to keep my job through 2 Bushes, a Clinton, and so far, an Obama
knock on wood, at forty two, i'm just waiting to outlast the boss, and buy the palce...I don't want to have to start over and put an
add on craigslist, will work for weed.
While the law passed, and that's great. I'm not the fall on the sword validity test case kind of guy.
Wait and see, that's me.

I'll be in the back, getting high. Quietly as I can.