SERIOUSLY ? What would you do ?

I was out in the woods by my house today and I stumbled across my neighbours patch ! I didn't stick around long and didn't go close but I'm scared he's going to see where I cut threw and think I was scoping them out !!! I have no intentions of touching these !! Being a personal grower myself I know the work involved and KOODO'S neighbour they look great ! Question is guys/gals of RUI .. Should I tell him I seem them and not to worry or should I hope he doesn't notice and stay the hell out of there ? I have a small one in my back yard I know he's seen and I know he smells it coming from my garage when I'm out there ! Just never ever spoke to him about it before I figured he smoked or didn't care ! I'm thinking let him know but I'm also thinking what if something happens and he figured i had something to do with it cause I told him I seem them ???? HELP LOL ! What would you people do ?

be ez

Well-Known Member
If he is your neighbor invite him around for a beer or doob and bring it up in conversation. I'm sure if hes seen yours he won't mind talking about his own...

Could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship haha


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, that's a touchy subject. I'd have to agree though, you should let him know that it was you that cut their way through so he doesn't have to worry about getting his garden stolen by assholes. Might be hard to explain why you were snooping around on his property though, if it's his land.


Well-Known Member
Yeah be neighbourly. Work outside for a bit the next couple days and when you see him, ask him to have a beer with you. Then the natural progression of the alcohol and conversation will lead you to telling him that you've got his back if he's got yours. Or it will lead to awkward drunken gay neighbour sex. Either way it's a win-win.


Well-Known Member
buy him a pair of fiskars for trimming. Give to him as a gift but don't say anything, just watch his face. You will then be able to tell what kind of poker player he is. Invite him over for cards. Roll doobie.


Well-Known Member
be ez him over for a beer and let him know u r on the same page.he should understand that u r not out to mess with his crop. good luck


Well-Known Member
I would masturbate and then ask him if he wants to smoke a fatty.
No reason to cause him concern over some trampled brush.


Well-Known Member
This is a predicament. If he hasn't seen you yet I would suggest NOT telling him. Reason why? If you do tell him, and his crop gets fucked with by someone else, then you will be the first suspect. And being a suspect when it comes to cannabis is dangerous.


Well-Known Member
This is a predicament. If he hasn't seen you yet I would suggest NOT telling him. Reason why? If you do tell him, and his crop gets fucked with by someone else, then you will be the first suspect. And being a suspect when it comes to cannabis is dangerous.
That's a good point. I retract my previous comment.


Well-Known Member
He could masturbate and leave a note near the patch.

"Sorry for the trampled brush, I hope you don't get paranoid, I am not in the habit of stealing people's weed. Also, maybe leave some kleenex out here?"

thump easy

Well-Known Member
if i were the nabor and you jumped over my side i would fuck you up as if i went into your side and fucked your chick dude your playing with someones personal property lucky he didnt know you were thier cuz if i were him i fuck you up.. messing with my trees were is the REST OF IT??? you fucker you didnt traple it i think you smoked it... and what were you doing in my fucken trees come here!!!! you lil fucken basterd shut the fuck up while i tie you up and stick this rusty pipe up your ass.. is what i think your nabor might do.. thats just what i think will happend??
That's my point what the hell should I do ? If I tell him and something happens then I'm an asshole ? Trousers I will masterbate when I get a chance later on I hope this helps you sleep tonight
Thump easy smoke a joint and chill the fuck out brother ! I'm more then capable of handling myself he's seen my heavy bag in my garage and I'm sure he's heard me hitting it ! I boxed for a few years and still like to get a good scrap on so before your fucking anyone up be sure their fuckable and if you read all the post it's not his land it doesn't belong to either of us !!! And you welcome to walk threw my backyard anyday ;)


Well-Known Member
Thump easy smoke a joint and chill the fuck out brother ! I'm more then capable of handling myself he's seen my heavy bag in my garage and I'm sure he's heard me hitting it ! I boxed for a few years and still like to get a good scrap on so before your fucking anyone up be sure their fuckable and if you read all the post it's not his land it doesn't belong to either of us !!! And you welcome to walk threw my backyard anyday ;)
so you were on the guys property and you want to fight him if he gets pissed?.... i would just keep my mouth shut, and if you see him acting all paranoid, maybe bring it up just so he doesnt rip up all his hard work
I was never on his property and defiantly don't wanna fight with the guy lol ... Jesus I would rather smoke a joint and exchange some grow tips ! I'm just trying to weigh out the options and looking to see what other people would do !

thump easy

Well-Known Member
hahaha its just what i think would happen but if you can scap then tell him hopefully he will be okay with it.. but give him something for the trapled bud hahahah your gona hit one out the park later tonight i found that fuckn funny hahaha alright after that i probley just laugh but for realz you now what it takes to grow and that would suck if one of your trease was hurt so you gota look at it like that too.. but if you feel guilty hit him up and if you can handle your self well go over and tell him if i were you look to see if he got cameras i do... if he does well you already know what to do and for the sake of piece its gota be that way i got two nabors one is a gardner and one is a biker that looks like a hells angle but isnt he is gay and always trien to get me to smoke him out i did and he tried to give me a fucken flower like a flower flower and tried to atempt a kiss as i steped back my right hand was about to meet his chin, i was about to knock his ass out but i just grabed it and sead wow ill give it to my girl and walked away, the dudes like 65 years old long white hair and drives a hardly what the fuck but i gota keep the piece so i give him a nug once in a while as for my other naber he wanto to cut my trees in the yard lawn trees and my back yard i cant have him do that so i just hire a gardner to take down a big ass tree in the front 800$ and $600 for the fikas in the back he wants the money but i dont want him over hear so i hired a trusted friend but the friend doesnt work for free so ya, it cost money to keep the piece but best believe i want to knock people out if i didnt grow i would tell them to fuck off. but you see what i mean..