SERIOUSLY ? What would you do ?


Well-Known Member
So, usually I could care less and I'm not a grammar nazi or anything, but please use punctuation for readability. Thanks:) I can't read this, it makes my head hurt lol.
I never hurt his girls I was about 6 feet away when I stepped into the opening I looked and they were there ! I got that cold sick feeling you get when you know your somewhere you just shouldn't be hahaha !! He's a good guy I think I'm gonna let him know I did see them and let him know he now has extra eyes on them ! And hopefully he wants to exchange a little bud later on for flavour change :)

thump easy

Well-Known Member
So, usually I could care less and I'm not a grammar nazi or anything, but please use punctuation for readability. Thanks:) I can't read this, it makes my head hurt lol.
im sorry alot of people say this but i not that good at spelling or punchuation i dont know if its a learning disorder or what i did go to college and i dont know how this is for realz im not shure if it is or if it isnt a disorder i some time miss spell words i already know how to spell i dont know dude but when i read it it makes sence to me..


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
if i were the nabor and you jumped over my side i would fuck you up as if i went into your side and fucked your chick dude your playing with someones personal property lucky he didnt know you were thier cuz if i were him i fuck you up.. messing with my trees were is the REST OF IT??? you fucker you didnt traple it i think you smoked it... and what were you doing in my fucken trees come here!!!! you lil fucken basterd shut the fuck up while i tie you up and stick this rusty pipe up your ass.. is what i think your nabor might do.. thats just what i think will happend??
OMG!! This is sooooo funny! I can't stop laughing here...... man thump I feel you!


Well-Known Member
I was out in the woods by my house today and I stumbled across my neighbours patch ! I didn't stick around long and didn't go close but I'm scared he's going to see where I cut threw and think I was scoping them out !!! I have no intentions of touching these !! Being a personal grower myself I know the work involved and KOODO'S neighbour they look great ! Question is guys/gals of RUI .. Should I tell him I seem them and not to worry or should I hope he doesn't notice and stay the hell out of there ? I have a small one in my back yard I know he's seen and I know he smells it coming from my garage when I'm out there ! Just never ever spoke to him about it before I figured he smoked or didn't care ! I'm thinking let him know but I'm also thinking what if something happens and he figured i had something to do with it cause I told him I seem them ???? HELP LOL ! What would you people do ?
Don't listen to any of the comments except for mine. Listen carefully, this is what you do.

Go to your nearest gun store. Pick up a .50 Desert Eagle.
Then, go home and masturbate.
After you have cleaned up your mess, load a magazine with 6 rounds, you won't need any more than that.
Then call your local authorities and tell them you found a massive marijuana grow.
Next, you go to you neighbor, knock on his door. When he comes to the door, point the Desert Eagle in his face and tell him you just called the authorities on his grow operation.
You then scream in his face and say, "DRUGS ARE BAD, MMMKAY!!"

Then, laughingly, you tell him you were just fucking with him, and that when you called the authorities you gave them a bogus address. But then you follow that with a, "But now you know what Im capable of, and I want in."

Then take a joint out of your back pocket and offer to smoke with him.
I bumped into him this morning ! I told him I was in there and noticed but not to worry I will stay out and I will keep an eye that area as well ! We had a good conversation .. I now know that both neighbours grow on both sides of me :) ... Man I love my neighbours :) shit always seems to pan out for the best thanks RIU ! You guys are awesome !
Don't listen to any of the comments except for mine. Listen carefully, this is what you do.

Go to your nearest gun store. Pick up a .50 Desert Eagle.
Then, go home and masturbate.
After you have cleaned up your mess, load a magazine with 6 rounds, you won't need any more than that.
Then call your local authorities and tell them you found a massive marijuana grow.
Next, you go to you neighbor, knock on his door. When he comes to the door, point the Desert Eagle in his face and tell him you just called the authorities on his grow operation.
You then scream in his face and say, "DRUGS ARE BAD, MMMKAY!!"

Then, laughingly, you tell him you were just fucking with him, and that when you called the authorities you gave them a bogus address. But then you follow that with a, "But now you know what Im capable of, and I want in."

Then take a joint out of your back pocket and offer to smoke with him.
Blackmailing will get you killed faster then stealing


Active Member
im sorry alot of people say this but i not that good at spelling or punchuation i dont know if its a learning disorder or what i did go to college and i dont know how this is for realz im not shure if it is or if it isnt a disorder i some time miss spell words i already know how to spell i dont know dude but when i read it it makes sence to me..
"What the fuck" Doesn't even start to describe what is going through my head right now lol...

I would masturbate and then ask him if he wants to smoke a fatty.
No reason to cause him concern over some trampled brush.
Lol, masturbate ON his crop and see how he reacts. Say you read it was a good idea on RIU hahah


Well-Known Member
I thought the number one rule to growing was not to tell anybody? Obviously this is a guerilla grow which most likely isn't legal, so why are we suggesting he tells somebody he grows?

what you've just done is discovered somebody else grows, which puts them in danger. You could have kept your hands clean and not said anything. Now you have somebody in your life that knows you grow... and is your neighbor. I wouldn't feel comfortable. Also, if any of his plants disappear, who's he gonna blame now? Dude, there's a point where generosity is a bad thing.

What has he gained from you telling him it was you? he gained a loss of paranoia.. but that's it. if somebody else is gonna find them, then somebody else is gonna find them. What did you gain? jack shit. now you have another risk in your life honestly.

maybe i'm just being a downer though. hopefully no problems will appear in the future.