SERIOUSLY ? What would you do ?

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
Well you went and talked to him so at least that went well for you. I live in a small village maybe 8-10 houses total and there are 2 people in the village that I know smoke weed. I will not approach them my motto is loose lips sink ships. I could be smoking bud with them but I choose not to reveal that I do it also. I keep my hair buzzed and keep my property kept up very nicely. Sometimes its lonely smoking by myself but I feel I would be lonelier in a jail cell so I just keep to myself. They probably believe that I am too clean cut to be smoking weed and that is exactly what I want them to think. DTA Don't Trust Anyone :weed:


Well-Known Member
But now if his crop gets fucked with by someone else or anything happens to it, you will be first suspect since you told him you know about it. Now he knows you grow also. If he was to get caught he could rat you out get less time. Always best to keep your mouth shut. What I said are just possibilities that could happen. Since they COULD happen you would've been best with my advice not telling him you know about his grow.
But now if his crop gets fucked with by someone else or anything happens to it, you will be first suspect since you told him you know about it. Now he knows you grow also. If he was to get caught he could rat you out get less time. Always best to keep your mouth shut. What I said are just possibilities that could happen. Since they COULD happen you would've been best with my advice not telling him you know about his grow.
suppose maybe you can stick around and wipe my ass after I shit ? I'm not a child !! I'm in my mid thirties and if his shit gets touched I got a clean conscious and as far as listening to your advise ! LoL I asked for advise and you sound upset I didn't follow yours ! .... Relax people shit is under control ! There is no rite and no wrong way as far as im concerned I'm 100% rite and if he points a finger at me well I guess we're gonna have UFC out in the back yard ! I tried to do the rite thing don't shit on me for it ! Cause you don't agree doesn't make it wrong !
You asked for advice so you have to take both the bad and the good. We are only wanting to help you.
exactly !!! So need for someone to get half upset I didn't follow their advise !! Correct. ? I understand opinions are like assholes, everyone's entitled to one or has one .. Doesn't mean I gotta kiss it or sniff it rite :)


Well-Known Member
If i was you I would roll a fat ass blunt, put on your best marijuana friendly t-shirt (if you own one), take a hard ass bong toke, stroll your ass over there and say something like this... "Hey man, I think we should go burn one and shoot the shit for a min or two."

I look at it as you just found yourself at least a person you can talk openly with, if not a partner in crime. Live it up man, it's always a relief to me when I find other drug-friendly's or 420 friendly's.

If you really think about it, and think hard on it... One of the best bonding tools that humans have, is drugs. The best relationships and friends I've had in life started out as some sort of intoxicated conversation. I see nothing bad coming from it. Maybe if you play your cards right, you can team up. So each of you only has to tend to gardens half the time, while the other is off. Week on/off etc... So you can go on vacation and have a care free time, knowing your guy back home has got the ladies covered. Worrying about grow's is the worst thing about vacations, even with automated indoor grows. Good luck amigo!


Well-Known Member
If the guy is half as friendly as the folks on here, your a made man. I'm sure that most of us would always help and team up with other RUI peeps if we could, anytime. Hell, If its really this dudes garden, he very well might have an account on here, and if you find out. You can swap info, and read his stuff visa versa, would be a great way of feeling someone out, and knowing his thoughts etc on things. Hell if I had someone close by that grew, you can bet your ass off I would try to befriend them, if just for the sake of common interest and networking.
Already done ! He's good with it and so am I .. IDE rather he knew ! What if he seen me and thought I was snooping ? I'm pretty sure I did the rite thing! He's my neighbour an I want him to trust me and I hope he sees I was only trying to be honest and make him comfortable ! I think we're good ;)