Sessions: I'm Shutting Down Colorado

And none of that means shit without opportunity.

And the opportunities today are virtually non existant compared to when I got out of school and could work at 15 different places.

Somebody has to hire you before you can 'start at the bottom'.

I don't know about that, opportunity is there if you have the desire.

I'm pretty sure even UncleBuck said this before, that where he's at, if you can read a tape measure and swing a hammer you can find work.
I don't know about that, opportunity is there if you have the desire.

I'm pretty sure even UncleBuck said this before, that where he's at, if you can read a tape measure and swing a hammer you can find work.

Fuck that noise, the good paying union jobs aren't there anymore. Just a fraction of them remain. Modernization, automation, anti union SCOTUS dating back to Nixon's 5 appointments, greedy CEO's, and stupid fucking cement head voters who enable it.

The economy is not robust, growth is slow, the jobs aren't there, competition is fierce for what's left.

The population increases while good jobs decrease. Simple math.
I don't know about that, opportunity is there if you have the desire.

I'm pretty sure even UncleBuck said this before, that where he's at, if you can read a tape measure and swing a hammer you can find work.

It was more like, if you can swing a hammer, dig a hole, plumb, paint, operate heavy equipment, drywall, electrical, tile and do slabs and foundations, then you could stay busy most of the time. Even at that, in my area, eighty percent of the work was for growers, they seemed to be the only people still developing from 09-2013.
It was more like, if you can swing a hammer, dig a hole, plumb, paint, operate heavy equipment, drywall, electrical, tile and do slabs and foundations, then you could stay busy most of the time. Even at that, in my area, eighty percent of the work was for growers, they seemed to be the only people still developing from 09-2013.

I get your point, most employers demand alot of skills, but if you can read a tape and swing a hammer, that is usually enough to get your foot in the door, you can work your way up from there.

My opinion is still the same though, opportunities are out there, plenty of them and if you have the drive, you can and will get by. Sink or swim.
If there is one consistent thing about trump it's that he practices revenge against even perceived slights if he has the chance.

This gives him a very big hammer against very blue states.

But personally I think they are still gathering resources and establishing strategy. They have a big meeting in july, and that is where they will likely lay out the framework and start moving against key objectives.

This administration is best described as the slow and the furious.
i see this whole administration as a 4 year lesson in what not to do.
don't practice cronyism, don't practice nepotism, don't use your position to bully people into doing what you want, because that just makes them hate you more than they already do. don't ignore the opinions of the people who live in this country, don't tell them you're wrong, and here why, then pepper them with stupid, poorly thought out plans that are doomed to fail. don't vow to bring the coal industry back to life without finding out first if anyone want to buy coal anymore. its hard to save an industry, when no one wants the end product of it.
don't cripple the sciences, the arts, and the epa, while saying its ok to continue using pesticides that have been PROVEN to cause birth defects. don't try to palm the space program off on the private sector, the advancements that come from the space program should be public property, and not owned by private industry. don't support big pharma when they're the source of the biggest drug problems in the country. they should be responsible for running rehab clinics for all the people hooked on their life destroying pills. they should also be forced to supply life saving drugs to people that genuinely need them at cost. Theres more than enough profit potential from the useless garbage they sell insecure people to make themselves feel better about their pathetic lives (botox, silicone, v iagra.....)
i don't think hillary would have done any better. it would have been very different, but just as bad, and may have taken even longer to fix, once we ousted her.
there was NO good decision (don't start with the Bernie bullshit), we were fucked no matter who chose what. i just really hope that both parties get their fucking heads out of their asses and find two candidates that aren't fucking insulting to the american people to run next time.
Thanks for sharing. Personally, I'm starting to look at all the work that could be done, maybe there is enough decent paying work if the labor market thins out. But I also look at distribution of wealth and it is alarming to see productivity so high but distribution so unequal. With so many people at or near insolvency (we are talking half of Americans and more looking forward), it's not hard to imagine some of the symptoms of an impoverished nation.
I think it's bullshit that eight people have half the money in the world.
Her biggest mistake was using the term, 'deplorables'.

You have to respect the deplorables enough to try to coax 5% of them to vote in their best interests for a change.
She was the worst candidate ever I just could not vote for her. Actually I haven't voted in years but I sure in hell didn't want her to win.