Sessions: I'm Shutting Down Colorado

Oh just fuck off. Bought nice soup this morning, then while putting stuff in the car boot it slipped out of my hand onto the tarmac, I grabbed after it with one hand while the boot lid came down on my other hand smashing my finger. No one is allowed to eat anything nice, you hear me!
I donated a couple of old 400w MH rigs to goodwill yesterday. They should be able to get $50 for the pair. Someone could buy a couple of new bulbs for $30 and have an 800w rig for $80 total. These lights would be awesome for a workshop.

I should probably start filling out the forms when we donate, but I see folks doing it and it seems like the sort of boring bureaucratic nonsense that'd annoy me....maybe I'll ask my wife to start doing it.

We usually just drop off boxes of toys/stuff we don't want/etc. near the back doors of various places. Toys, especially. We'll often grab a large bin/bag and cull out only a few profitable pieces; it's comforting to know that that 'crap' is going to children as opposed to a landfill.
Oh just fuck off. Bought nice soup this morning, then while putting stuff in the car boot it slipped out of my hand onto the tarmac, I grabbed after it with one hand while the boot lid came down on my other hand smashing my finger. No one is allowed to eat anything nice, you hear me!

Just karma..
No, but it adds to your topic

Donald Trump lies about everything, we already knew this.

Now that he's president, asking him questions about the state of the union will get you nowhere. Every answer is a hodge podge..'probably, maybe, possibly' as he doesn't know himself..every answer, so there's no reason to listen to him or his tweets. He's basically the equivalent of white noise says nothing, does nothing just makes an irritating noise.

He does like everyone else and waits for his staff to tell him what's going on, basically three points that he keeps repeating over and over like a demented parrot.
Donald Trump lies about everything, we already knew this.

Now that he's president, asking him questions about the state of the union will get you nowhere. Every answer is a hodge podge..'probably, maybe, possibly' as he doesn't know himself..every answer, so there's no reason to listen to him or his tweets. He's basically the equivalent of white noise says nothing, does nothing just makes an irritating noise.

He does like everyone else and waits for his staff to tell him what's going on, basically three points that he keeps repeating over and over like a demented parrot.

The problem with trump is he won't listen to his staff. He bounces thoughts he hears on the teevees off of family and a couple of "friends" (I don't think he really has friends, just people who are afraid of him). It's an echo chamber of fake information.

Bannon is the real power, and he is a twisted fuck.
The problem with trump is he won't listen to his staff. He bounces thoughts he hears on the teevees off of family and a couple of "friends" (I don't think he really has friends, just people who are afraid of him). It's an echo chamber of fake information.

Bannon is the real power, and he is a twisted fuck.
Bannon is a Fascist. Trump is losing his grasp on reality. The conservative media and Chump's minders are covering for him. Meanwhile, there are high crimes afoot that are going unnoticed because of the ongoing charade in the White House.

We the People have lost control of our country. No one is being held accountable for their malfeasance anymore- as long as it happens in government or on Wall Street.

I keep wondering when the good citizens of this nation will empty into the streets and demand accountability, and I'm beginning to think it's not going to happen.

We got a women's march and a march for science- but those issues are peripheral to the most important matters at hand.
yep, the issues most important to half the population are "peripheral". no wonder bernie lost by 4 million.