Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent

Uh oh somethings off, roots arent growing after couple days and turning brown. Temp was 76F the heater buffers so I turned it down some maybe when water stops it goes up messing with the reading.

Are these dead or good to plant? Whats going on? Water is getting old but have been adding pool shock its not slimy in there. Shoot I am freaking out.


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Looking at them closer with my eyes theyre fine one of them was about to grow into a knot my guess from the water turbulance. I was able to undo some of it just tapping it gently.

Plus one for who said to just plant them asap. But what happened here, they clearly lost vigor and white?
You don't run the pump nonstop? And you have a heater in there? I run the pump nonstop when making aero clones. No heater. And the pool shock isn't helping imo.
You don't run the pump nonstop? And you have a heater in there? I run the pump nonstop when making aero clones. No heater. And the pool shock isn't helping imo.

Its always on unless I stop to check on them and the heater is automatic to stay at certain temp but it spikes for a sec when I stop the pump but it turns itself off.

The heater was the only way I got this to work its 62F in the area and didnt work last time. The pool shock I thought would help stop bacteria and rot.
All the needed ones potted, hand watering a few of those so the rest can pump properly until I setup veg tent. About to pot one extra one for back up in 4” pot.

Now I just need kongs krush to root so I can bonsai it and toss the bulky un needed mother.


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All I can find is it got too warm in there. The pump thermo foot print greater than tank vol. So maybe it got too hot without the heater even on because it is automatic.

What a bummer hope this isnt a regular issue when I clone. Thought I had it figured out, possibly do still but dang. They were glissining just a couple days ago.
I never got the amazing "root beard" results from aero cloning that others get. I tried it several times and always got roots, but they were never more robust or faster than my usual method of using root plugs. So after a few lack luster attempts, I just reverted to plugs and never looked back.
Root riot was the first success ever and the strain bearded easy but had many other things worth tossing it away for my needs.

Second time I took 4-6 maybe 8 I tossed a couple for it coming from male and the rest never rooted after a month so I put in aerocloner with no water heater and no success.

Only by miracle got one of each strain to root in the plugs but took a month then another month to root before finally growing almost convincing me it died.

I notice they came with a bunch of white mites, harmless to cutting? Why was it so slow under same conditions, 70F with bag over it? Why did the rest not root? Idk.

This aero run is 90% success so far and rooted quicker. I was thinking about doing both methods and just clone early, heck, like now. Just hand water what doesnt fit in the system.
3x3x6 with fecida cr1200 wow its waaay too bright. Just need get the flood tray and flora bubblers.


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Just need the flood tray now. Clones are all good, the recently planted ones with brownish roots all stayed good but one, was limp over but just perked back up today. Was worried I lost most of my clones or severely stunted them.


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So I get the tray tomorrow or so and realize Idk what drain size I should get, I was planning on instead of flat cinderblocks, have the tray on a board over cinderblocks standing up to provide a aquifer like drain into the next tent drain tub with pump.

Should I just buy a pump or could I save on that along with having less parts to break down. Is 1/2 “ tubing on barbed bulkhead fitting going to drain good? Should I get 3/4” tubing? The larger the less flexable though.
Just going off drainaway trays watching them drain being 3/4” it can easily choke and back up. Thats just one tray, this will be running off 8+ plants. I think I answered it here no? So orobably should get 1” drain and probably its own pump.
Also just wondering, is that part of why the flora flex bubblers work so well, because they split a 3/4” line into 8 lines vs the orbit doinng 1/2”?
Orbit manifolds that aren't "full flow" have more restriction in the adjustable ports than the free flowing versions. The adjustable 8 port ones like you originally got are designed to be hooked up to household water pressure, @ like 60+ psi. So, usually the smaller more restrictive ports wouldn't matter anyway and you wouldn't notice a lack of flow as much with a proper irrigation system using them. However, when you hook up a weaker 500-1000 gph mag drive pump that barely outputs maybe 2-3 psi, sure.. your gonna notice it not performing as well.. I'm guessing the floraflex manifolds are more open, but kinda doubt they are designed for high psi applications like the orbits. I could be wrong, and unsure of the max rating..
I mean the orbits are working but the caps could be more saturated and want to run as many plants possible with less pumps. The pump including lifting in and out reservoir will be like 14ft.

Was kinda glad I listened and got the bubblers but I can always do orbit I still have some. If this dont work out. Kinda overkill though, 1150gph pump for 4 plants. One here said they have 16 on one pump.