Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent

I would set the stainless steel 1/2" wort immersion coil down in the insulated res, and install the radiator.. or maybe even a heater core with fan + shroud to blow cool air through it, from somewhere outside. You want to only use stainless tubing in the res, because most other metals\alloys like copper or aluminum will corrode, and eventually leach contaminates, especially from reacting with the salt content of the nutrient solution.

Use a digital temp controller to run the water pump and radiator fan only when needed, and set the on/off thresholds to keep it at whatever temp range you want.

Then fill the loop through a T fitting you add somewhere with antifreeze\coolant, so the radiator can't freeze up during the winter, which also should contain corrosion inhibitors to keep it from breaking down inside the system, and last a long time before needing to change the coolant out..

Design the system so it could never leak coolant into the res, with all fittings hanging outside of the container if possible.

Basically, just a simple water cooling loop for your res for the cooler seasons, that barely uses any power to run!
Holy cow for a sec I thought you meant an actual radiator which you did. Thats advanced thanks for the visual it helps a lot. Will take a sec to sink in I barely understand how cars work so Im thinking a radiator like a car which I dont undersrand what the cooling capacity will be.

I understand better how the chiller is a ac system or dehuey same thing but with water. I thought radiators just keep engines from exceeding like 220F or something like that.

If I just did something diy or just kept battling it Id save enough money but with dreadful work. Im highly considering the chiller but running a test first. I just emptied all water from basement rez and put bti and no clorene at all its raw other than some from tap water which some say is already inert.

If it dont cloud up in a week and can top off for another week and even another, otherwords its acting the same it was without bleach.. Il get the water chiller unless I learn more about diy route. It would be double worth it to kill gnat problem too.

Its going to be costly though, 600 now and like 60$ a month running it making it 350 to 500 a chop. Going from free weed with chores to chores and still paying out of pocket for weed. Its tough decision to make. Just so I can work a little less dealing with the rez issue. But it can be dreadful when you dont feel like dealing with it every 3 days.
85F room 79F water temp and basement is 67F so I need that as maximum temp flux. Im reading reviews the chiller can drop it to like 63F. I may or may not have that robust performence which is another issue, I dont want to invest just to still have issues when it gets hot in room as when its alright, its do able with things as is.

Where as between summer and winter sucks as no ac power or outside air to use like today its 75F out. Usually much cooler but ya. Any other time I am good.
For sure get the chiller though if you really need it. It will work any time of the year (especially when needed most, in the summer)and should serve you well. Active aquas are good.

Don't always take my suggestions, or i'd have you DIY water cooling everything, including your dab press, lol. Shelling out the dough, and dealing with more plumbing issues than you already probably are. :mrgreen:
I could always try ice packs hell I got this far somehow. I like the idea of working harder to save a a huge chunk of money. I get like 2$ a day doing dishes just to give an idea. 100$ a month which is just enough to harvest for free. Il just do 7months on 7 months off not including veg start up which is a breeze because that IS in a suitable reservoor envoirment.

Oof if I ever get a chance to move downstairs Im doing it. Thatd solve this but its not that easy to do even if my roomies said yes. Well now I think about it getting them to say yes is just as hard. I guess thats cool so everything set up isnt for nothing.
In a cars cooling system, its a small spring loaded thermostat (usually preset to operate around 160-180 degrees or so) that opens and closes a valve, to let coolant flow through the radiator when needed. Engines like to operate more efficiently at a certain temp, so its designed to keep it running around that specific range. Well, its actually more about emission levels these days, so they basically force the newer generations of motors to run a bit hotter ,to try and curb down the pollution (and pass tests in some cases, so they can even sell the cars), but anyway..

Ice packs could work! Even better if you insulate the res. In fact, insulating the res alone might keep the temps lower without any other work, IME.

If anything, it will help you determine whether you need to shell out and buy the chiller, with just a weeks worth of dropping in the ice packs 2 times a day or whatever for the experiment..
Il have to reread that suggestion and buy it and try it but the rez is a flexitank its a skin idk if it will sit on a thermo pad unless its literally a pad.
Why is there so much dew all over my plants? Is this a vpd thing? Over or under transpiration idk. Just water all up in my colas which is clearly why theyre molding. On leafs too. Just patches of water.


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So hmm. Glad I pay attention to my grow ever since I just keep learning new things doing so.

My veg rez went bad like reallll bad. No clorox but yes to bmc bti. Ph from acidic to alkaline and visually cloudy as hell overnight.

So lower temps isnt really the answer. My ice pack tech is working 79.4F to 77.3F but it meltd faster than I can make them. About to try 2 gallon jug soon as its frozen to see if it can melt slow enough to perpetuate.

I guess water can freeze in 3 hrs but idk about 2 gallons and its taking more like 4-5 hrs to make a bottle freeze but like 30mins to melt completely.

But its helping when its super hot. Maybe I can use many many bottles that way it spreads them out and can actually freeze most of them. And not heat things up in the freezer like I know I am.

The flower rez no clorox but maybe if I cycle through it fast enough like I used to routenely using more water in that setup that time.. Something was working for months on end but they were fall and winter.

Its hot fall this year but I guess I can spent up to a month like this in season changes. Otherwise outside air or ac cools it down good enough. I know I went through one of these season changes but with less heat load so maybe thats why. It is why duh but ya.

Im determined to fight it and just get through knowing how much Im saving if I make it work. $600 and 150$ a chop ten wks. Maybe only to not work or for sure need clorox but hmm. Why was my veg tent doing ok with clorox and bti in terms of clean and no gnats…

I wonder if maybe they can both be used? My test of clorox only failed but it help up but not long enough to be the solution.
So hmm. Glad I pay attention to my grow ever since I just keep learning new things doing so.

My veg rez went bad like reallll bad. No clorox but yes to bmc bti. Ph from acidic to alkaline and visually cloudy as hell overnight.

So lower temps isnt really the answer. My ice pack tech is working 79.4F to 77.3F but it meltd faster than I can make them. About to try 2 gallon jug soon as its frozen to see if it can melt slow enough to perpetuate.

I guess water can freeze in 3 hrs but idk about 2 gallons and its taking more like 4-5 hrs to make a bottle freeze but like 30mins to melt completely.

But its helping when its super hot. Maybe I can use many many bottles that way it spreads them out and can actually freeze most of them. And not heat things up in the freezer like I know I am.

The flower rez no clorox but maybe if I cycle through it fast enough like I used to routenely using more water in that setup that time.. Something was working for months on end but they were fall and winter.

Its hot fall this year but I guess I can spent up to a month like this in season changes. Otherwise outside air or ac cools it down good enough. I know I went through one of these season changes but with less heat load so maybe thats why. It is why duh but ya.

Im determined to fight it and just get through knowing how much Im saving if I make it work. $600 and 150$ a chop ten wks. Maybe only to not work or for sure need clorox but hmm. Why was my veg tent doing ok with clorox and bti in terms of clean and no gnats…

I wonder if maybe they can both be used? My test of clorox only failed but it help up but not long enough to be the solution.
I would think the clorox would kill the all the bacteria including the BTI this is interesting! Your brave! Lmao
Wtf I think I just made it 3 days day 3 today no clorox in flower rez and was hot first couple days but cool today by 10 freakin degreees. Just bti for gnats. So yea if I just load enough for 3 days and go through it and swap all water it might work. This will also kill gnats so win win.

Based on veg rez going bad with no clorox Id need to choose one or the other unless theres evidence they can be used together. Right now no gnat outbreaks that I know of.
Wtf officially driven insane what does this look like its coming from?!? Its dry next to the reservoirs but this keeps popping up and I just did a rez change and watched myself not spill anything. Askin my roommates if pipes in floors can do this but no issues in bedroom below. Wtf wtf wtf!!!!

I dried it like 3 times and its still soaked!


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I think its coming from the rez to the left its wet just under there but I dont see any holes and not sure how it just transports from under there to a big circle as shown it would be around the rez. Wtf. It smells like my drain tub water which is spoiled but dont care its just run off but just saying.

Fresh solution shouldnt smell like the runoff solution I know the ground is dirty as hell but hmm. All I can do is rotate it maybe move it a little see if a new spot forms. I never seen anything like this.
Its been dry when I do a rez deep clean Im so lost.. Idk what else to use safely.. A 30gal trash bin is just as sketchy maybe more. It may not do things like this but when it fails it fails and with no notice.
Son of a A it must be failing. I might figure something out with 7 gal buckets or so. Its not that wet underneat next to it but it is wet somehow less wet than further away where you can see the stain so it makes no sense its not a clear path from under it to further away. Shit back to reservoir shopping. If this is the flexitank then there goes my review for them.
The yellow arrow is where its coming from and going and the red is where I imagine the water should go if its from the reservoir. What you think?


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