setting up my new grow room....


Well-Known Member
I recently moved into a place where i have a HUGE fucking room to do my thing in. It's a finished basement with a windowless room, carpeted and enough room to run several systems ....first things first though ... I'm (a friend of mne) installing a dryer vent for me... I figured i'd go with a 4 inch dryer vent for the outake, and exhaust it with a 6 inch inline rated 545 cfm. btw... im only running a 600 so far.
My question is ..... what is the best thing to use to dampen the sound for the inline .... from the way its looking the fan can either be hung, or my plan was to mount it to the wall but obviously i'd need something to dampen the vibrations with.........
any suggestions would be great since i'm not mechanically inclined, and the friend who's helping me likes to just rig shit together as opposed to doing it properly ......
Help please .....


Well-Known Member
i'd really like an expert opinion on the way this room should be set up.... i have a potential to run about 5K watts if possible. It's at the very least a 12 X 12 sq ft. space. i was hoping to upload pics but forgot the camera .... i currently don't have internet service at the place so that's why i'm throwing up this random post here ..


Well-Known Member
I would hang it, put 6' of duct line between the inline fan and the vent to knock down some of the noise. Im not sure what else you need to know, you went from a 4" vent to talking about 5k watts haha