setup help


Well-Known Member
it all depends on pot size and how long you veg for and how well you look after the plants.


Active Member
well id say id like plants that are 2 3/4 feet high and i plan on looking after them for a while...whats more effective in my situation a long or short veg


well the plant will stretch 2-3 times the size it is when you stop vegging and start the flowering cycle. so you should start flowering when your plants grow to be about 1 foot in hiegth and even then you would only be able to fit two plants max in that small of a space unless you used an advanced growing technique like scrog, fim, or other such things(see the grow faq). if you want a really simple way to increase yeild top your plant when it is in vegg after the third or fourth node appears. also i dont know how much experience you have but if this is your first grow than youll be starting with seeds not cuttings i assume>? so if you start from seed your main goal should be to grow a mother plant so you can take clones from her and grow nothing but females. too often when you grow only two plants from seeds they can turn out to be males.. i started off with six and was lucky to get two females!!


Well-Known Member
well then you have a problem. You will have to put your pot in a pot, and you will need space for lights. If you only have 3' to start with this leaves you a lot less than 2 3/4'. VV


well then you have a problem. You will have to put your pot in a pot, and you will need space for lights. If you only have 3' to start with this leaves you a lot less than 2 3/4'. VV
no he didnt say his plants are currently 2 3/4 tall he said thats the heigth he would like to have... yeah but Victor does bring up a good point in that you will need space for lights to hang as well. i imagine your growing with cfls..(i personally hate cfls they produce crappy buds for the most part) but even then you will have to leave room for them. go through some cfl grow journals though i have seen some impressive cfl grows!!


Active Member
first of all lighting....i am going to use CFLs. Next, i have a bunch of 7in. diameter 5in. depth pots and a few 1 gallon pots.
SO if i use the screen of green what size pot shud i use (is the 7x5 ok)...and this way how many plants could i use...


i take it your growing in a soil medium.. if thats the case than yeah that should be fine to start with . if your starting them off as seedlings you can even use dixie cups to begin with . you always want to start with the smallest containers possible so you can transplant into larger pots later. the reason for this is roots will grow straight down and when they hit the bottom of the container the growth stops downward growth and begins growing outward giving you fuller healthier root systems. so idealy you want to transplant when you pull the plants out of its container and you can see the roots well up through the sides of the pots!!!


Active Member
ok so im pretty much ok now except for one more thing...the main concept of scrog, ebing the screen...
when and where do i put the screen
and given my space how long shdu each pahse go for


im going to be completley honest with you .. unless you have experience as a grower the scrog is not a good idea. if you have grown a couple times befor and done a shitload of research that i think youd be good. i am still learning about the scrog and am not comfortable enough with it to tell you how you should do it. the billy bob's scrog journal is a really good example of how a scrog should be done i highly reccomend you check his journal out!!!


Active Member
well we have talekd about a bunch of ways...i can tell by the way u talk, jakebakingacake, that i can fully trust ur opinion. As a 1st timer and with all the info u know about my case, what is the best way to go about this given my space to produce a good yield


Active Member
i just realized...i can get my space to 3 1/2 feet in hieght (i dont think it will make a difference)...please feed me ur opinin though on the best way to get a good yield


topping is a really easy way to do it i have a really good picture of a plant that has been topped and a plant that hasnt been topped, that i will post on my grow journal sooner or later probably sometime tomarow if i can find my fuckin camera !! when you top the plant you make it so the plant grows four main colas so that way instead of growing one large cola that takes up all the light and several tiny popcorn buds you get four large colas and still get the popcorn buds. all you have to do is cut the top growth off of your plant when it reaches its 3rd or fourth node . this is easy to do even someone whos growing for the first time can do it. no screen needed. the scrog would be the ultimate way to increase yeild but that takes some time and experience. there are other things that contribute to yeild the most important of which is producing a consistant environment! 3 1/2 is even better (the more room the better) just remeber that it still grows after you induce flowering! start a grow journal so everyone here knows where your at in your grow and that way will be able to tell you what you should do to not only increase your yeild but grow nice strong healthy plants!!

i know this is probably not what you want to hear.. but dont expect to yeild alot off of your first grow!! i am still on my first grow and i can tell you the amount of mistakes you make in your first grow are ridiculouse i am still making mistakes left and right!! but i got lucky and have three females one of which i will keep as a mother plant!! this is the main point of first grows... to learn alot about growing so their second grow will kick ass and to get atleast one female to keep as a mother plant. those are goals you can expect to achieve in your first grow.. worry about yeild later. right now just focus on the basics!!!

so a good beginer grow outline should start like this:
1.buying the materials needed to vegg plants/succsefully vegg plants

2.buying materials to clone plants/succesfully take clone and vegg clones materials needed to flower plants/begin flowering plants,throw away males, put one female back into vegg to be used as a mother plant to take clones off of for future grows, and flower/harvest/and cure any remaining females

5. by the time you do all this you will have a vast knowlegde of how to grow plants, and any future grows you do will most likley yeild alot more buds!!!


Active Member
thanks for all the help!
this summer im going to have a larger space about 3x3x6 so maybe i will have learned something by then...
one last probably usin local seeds. However what did u use? If u got em offline please let me know what website cause if onlines got better chance of producing good bud then i might as well get it