Several growing questions, related to flowering


Well-Known Member
Ok so I had a couple of questions for you guys.

Where exactly am I looking for the sex to show on a flowering plant? And where exactly on the plant does it flower from.

Also, does a larger plant take longer to start flowering as opposed to a smaller plant on the same light schedule??


Well-Known Member
You will be looking at the nodes (branches) to find the sex. where the new growth would normally be there will either be little white hairs (pistels) or little balls on a small stem ( pollen sacks)

Normally a larger plant will mean that the plant is older in which case it will sometimes show earlier.

It can take anything from 7-14 days to show the sex when you have changed the light schedule.



Well-Known Member
most plants will show sex reguardless of light schedule when they are about 8 nodes high (a month old). Preflowers start forming between the 6th/7th node on opposide sides of the mainstem.


Well-Known Member
Ok, i have another question, how many of the nodes will the flowers/buds grow? only on the main stem or what, i really don't know what i should be expecting...


Well-Known Member
buds will start to form on every single node with preflowers, on the stalk and the branches. they will grow up the entire stem until the plant is in full bloom and the branches stop growing


Well-Known Member
I think I am starting to see little balls on the nodes of the middle plant, but i am not sure, and unfortunately my camera is not good enough to get a good picture of it. Still no sign on the other two.