Several Issues on Several Plants

Hey guys, first I wanna say thanks for the help in advance.

I have 8 Northern Lights seedlings.

All started in RW cubes and moved to bigger cubes last week. (everything was soaked properly in advance)

I had everything set up to leave town for 2 days, my partner taking care of business while I was gone. I come back to find some not so healthy plants, and they each have their own issues. Temperature is fine, humidity as well. The only nutrients they are getting is about a tbs of superthrive per 5 gallon bucket.

Now the first thing that came to mind when I got back is my partner neglected to pH the water correctly, and I assumed right. He also was too hesitant to water the two seedlings we started a week after the first 8, and one has died, the other is making a come back (fingers crossed).

So the first thing I did was pH the water, grab two 5 gallon buckets and flush with the correct pH. I added the superthrive for each bucket, and the 5/ml per 5 gal of something I can't remember the name of off the top of my head. Just small doses for now. No worries the guy at the local shop recommended it and I am starting at 1/4 strength.

I have been running 24/7 on the light because the timer and the ballast don't want to cooperate. The timer won't turn the light back on and my partner works retarded hours (it's at his place) so there would be no consistency with 'night time' for them.

Here are the pics:


Well-Known Member
well, you corrected the problem, so you should be alright now. though i once read that pH should be moved drastically, but slowly, even for correction.
I have spent the last two days, lowering it about .5-1.0 each time until the run out was the color I was looking for. I just want to make sure I am not missing anything.


Well-Known Member
well, idk about coco but in other hydro media it's custom to feed from the start, no? also, some root juice helps to root faster.
I always thought 'feeding' was the same despite mediums. Then again I may have misread. I will have to look into some rooting formulas.

Thanks asaph!


Well-Known Member
well i can't tell you for sure but there's the cation exchange thing and other stuff. i'm not sure how exactly related but anyway chemical properties of mediums etc.
so when i was growing seeds in coco, i didn't give any nutes and they just stayed in retard mode until i gave them some food, just at 100ppm or so. but i was wondering, because everyone says that seeds have what they need for two weeks. well, it never made much sense to me, but someone explained that when the coco is low on EC, then it can actually leeches nutes out of the roots to make up for this shortage, kinda like vacuum you know. and young seedlings are vulnerable to this. it made a lot of sense to me this explanation, but i have no idea if it's true, and if it's true for other mediums as well. i mean, people have grown seeds in RO water. haven't they?