severe drooping in the afternoons. (Hot outdoor grow)

My plant is about 2.5 feet tall. It gets about 97 degrees outside in the shade, and my plant droops horrably after 2:00. It is in a 1 gal pot. do i need to transplant to something larger??Could this terrable droop kill my plant? Is it the heat alone? Also, should i make an effort to water more and to mist it in the a.m.? plz help. PEACE:weed:

Disclamer: Newbiegrower223 is a fictional character, and therefore is a figment of your imagination.


Get it into a 5 gal pot and make sure the soil retain water well, it's your plant getting dehydrated, that's what you are witnessing.

From Skunk.:joint:


Well-Known Member
It would seem when it gets hot the plant draws moisture in the stems to the roots right?
Adding moisture to the roots makes sense then, maybe just not too much. How about a layer of sand on top of the soil to keep some moisture in and some heat out? Shade the pots they are in maybe. I know when I was able to keep the roots cool they were able to withstand higher temps.