severe plant issues...Please help!


Active Member
I'm getting severely depressed about this issue. I'm currently growing 3 plants and have one germinating. 3 or Mohan Ram from sweet seed. The other Green Caramel.

So far, my oldest plant which is about a week old roughly, is showing signs of being Fucked up! I'm at a complete loss. My last plant, about 2 or 3 weeks ago suffered the same problem- I had tried to save it for about a month with

no luck.

Today was the first time I actually watered the plant. For the last 2 days or so, she was starting to look wilted and overall unhealthy....I thought I was under-feeding.

The temps in my space are between 20 and 23 degrees Celsius. The humidity is around 50 percent. I've been PH balancing the water between 5.6 and 5.8, which is recommended for plants in veg.

No nutes yet. As far as watering, I've been spraying the top and leaves, generally.

I've been trying to think about what I could be doing wrong. Some of the possibilities are thus:

1 maybe the light was initially too close to the plant?

2 I could have put the seedlings under the light too early

3 I used bottled water thinking it would be better, and its not. - i've switched to Brita filtered water

4 my ph measuring device is not working

5 my partner is purposely killing my plants?

6 The house keeper who;s a religious nut is killing my plants.

PLEASE help - if its not the last two.....



Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
they dont need misting at 50% humidity... maybe once every two weeks and when the lights are OFF ONLY... right now theyre too small to worry ... leave them alone until they are dry . they are def. far too small for regular 12" -24" off the glass growing if using a 400w or more.... just back the light off. you dont need that type of intensity typically until you start flowering or at least a few weeks to a month into veg.... depending on your finishing height. and your PH is too low but wait until its dried out to correct. dont overwater them now or theyll be dead for sure


Well-Known Member
You're using a ph range more suitable for hydro. Soil ph should be around 6.5 and always ph after you add nutrients. Don't overfeed...that seems to be the most common problem. Good luck...


Active Member
Appreciate the link. But instead of being some bad as sith maybe you could drop me a line and give me an idea of what this could be. I am studying....its a process. I'm not born with the knowledge of doing this perfectly.

This is actually my 4th grow. My first two went ok. Which makes this all the more difficult because I have presumably better stuff, and its not workin out. Yes, I was also joking about the housekeeper....jeez


Well-Known Member
Soil Ph..... n way... no need to check soil PH...
Water your medium/soil when soil gets light quit spraying the green part...
Spray if you must.... the soil...
Water it through when it gets light...
then water it through when it gets light again...
Don't bark up the PH hill...
Next some will say you have a Cal/Mag issue...
Not that either...
Spraying leaves did it... end of story... next problem?


Active Member
Soil Ph..... n way... no need to check soil PH...
Water your medium/soil when soil gets light quit spraying the green part...
Spray if you must.... the soil...
Water it through when it gets light...
then water it through when it gets light again...
Don't bark up the PH hill...
Next some will say you have a Cal/Mag issue...
Not that either...
Spraying leaves did it... end of story... next problem?

you might be growing hydro...but hes not... he definitely needs to raise his ph from 5.6 to 6.5 because hes in soil, if he doesnt want more problems later


Active Member
they dont need misting at 50% humidity... maybe once every two weeks and when the lights are OFF ONLY... right now theyre too small to worry ... leave them alone until they are dry . they are def. far too small for regular 12" -24" off the glass growing if using a 400w or more.... just back the light off. you dont need that type of intensity typically until you start flowering or at least a few weeks to a month into veg.... depending on your finishing height. and your PH is too low but wait until its dried out to correct. dont overwater them now or theyll be dead for sure
Thanks for the advice! I'm using 200 CFL's, not HID- do I still need to raise the lamp?


Well-Known Member
LMAO your housekeepers a religious nut? Does he know what it is?
He might have found out it was pot and took a piss in it for all you know


Active Member
7. Your an idiot.
Don't much appreciate the insults. The last two were an attempt at humor... don't know me from adam, so I would keep the insults at bay. I don't insult others or put them down, for lack of experience.


New Member
dude ph for soil has to be 6.5 -7 its to high but all the other stuff you said was true im a new grower and i had the same problem till i fixed the ph


Active Member
im gonna keep it old school. takes 1 too know 1
@liddle! That would insinuate that you agree with him!

nah, but thanks for the back up!

A little up date.... Plant seems to be doing a little better! Adjusted the PH and added a touch of mineral magic. Miraculously things seem to be on the up. But, lets see how it fares in a couple weeks.