Severely broken stem connected by thread...should I leave it or top it?


Well-Known Member
Man So I was (for no good reason) bending down the tallest branch of the GSC and I snapped a branch. 20210313_175513.jpg

It's been like 12 hours it's still green and healthy...should I just let it go and see if it heals. I'm like 2 or 3 weeks away from flower so I'm not worried about that. I wonder if it'll heal or "self-top" I'm kinda curious. On a side note..I'm on my first grow and I've got a ton of questions, made a ton of mistakes and I like some input. Check out my grow journal! I'm struggling out here...
Man So I was (for no good reason) bending down the tallest branch of the GSC and I snapped a branch. View attachment 4852386

It's been like 12 hours it's still green and healthy...should I just let it go and see if it heals. I'm like 2 or 3 weeks away from flower so I'm not worried about that. I wonder if it'll heal or "self-top" I'm kinda curious. On a side note..I'm on my first grow and I've got a ton of questions, made a ton of mistakes and I like some input. Check out my grow journal! I'm struggling out here...
Probably just going to think it got topped (hopefully)
That would be cool...basically, i'd get a free bud site then...or if it treats it as a top does that mean I would have to lose that branch?
My methods and training have lead me to say this. If you immediately support and wrap the wound it will graft back together. After a few minutes it dries and closes blood loss. Chop it off and root it. Bonus run. LOL. My opinion is all.
Just curious what other things come from y hands? I spend hours touching and staring at my babies....if they were people my girls would band together #meToo and say HydroScript makes me feel comfortable....shouts to cuomo...
yeah bro thats how it's transferred , it's not common, but it's not the only bad shit that comes of our hands
Now that this is derailed. I completely agree with hygiene practices. Yet your monster is very rare here. More concerned with my clothing, shoes and alcohol hand wash between every plant. I grow dozens of types of plants. I recognize your concern and agree. But the drama is unfoundd in my opinion.

Peace and tranquility through gardening.
So here's an hasn't died yet...and i noticed some of the leaf is actually trying to turn up to the light...I'm going to leave it and see what happens...I pushed on it it's still connected....let's see what it does20210315_064743.jpg20210315_064806.jpg
Plants are durable for sure.
I've beoke many stems while training, just some tape and graft it back together. The plant barely notices.
I've split the stalk down the middle acouple times on accident too lol
Everything usually turns out fine
Plants are durable for sure.
I've beoke many stems while training, just some tape and graft it back together. The plant barely notices.
I've split the stalk down the middle acouple times on accident too lol
Everything usually turns out fine
Yea I'm not going to tape it...either it heals and it's stronger..."cool" or it dies and it falls off and tops..."cool" I'm jiust curious since it's not a main stem AND I'm a few weeks from flower, i just want to see what happens...INFO is good and this entire first run has been a series of mistakes....have you checked out my grow journal yet? I could sure use some pointers....