Severly wilted plant, please help i think its dying. is this underwatering or over?


hi guys,
first post.
apologies in advance if i have not used this forum correctly.
firstly i live in australia. i have 2 plants, grown indoors under 4x600w lights. they are in 50L pots with clay balls and coconut husk fibre stuff. i follow the guide i have for them to the letter. always Ph levels are what they should be and also the EC levels. they are 4 weeks into flowering and i came home yesterday and 'just one' of the two is severely wilted. it looks like shit and about to die. i called the hydro shop and they didnt know why it would happen to one, and not the other apart from the fact that they are just underwatered and one just seems to be stronger than the other. it was 38 C which i think is like near 100 F, but inside it is just 33C or 91F. but they have gone through that heat many times before as that is normal temps for summer here and never showed this issue. i have included pics which show quite obviously the dying one and the good one.
i read on this forum and another to just flush with clean water and i turned off the 2 lights above this plant. i also went out and got a water spray bottle thing and moistened the leaves all over it thinking that it is underwatered. the only pic i could find that looked close to this online said it looked like to much phosphorus or something but i use proper nutrients from the hydro shop which come in A and B bottles. the only thing i can think of is that they just went through 1 week of using Rock Grow which is a nutrient additive to make the buds huge and rock hard. during this time u are suppose to restrict water run off so the plants can soak up as much of this as possible. during this time i accidentally knocked the hose off the pump in the tank and reattached it but an air bubble might have got caught in the hose cuase the pump to run but no water coming out. still doesnt explain to me why 1 is good and the other is dying. please any help greatly apprectiated and any tips to recover.. thanks heaps in advanceIMG_0083_s.jpgIMG_0082_s.jpgIMG_0081_s.jpg



Well-Known Member
wouldnt worry about it mate, 50% of plants show symptons like this when they are that far gone, you could try some nitrogen, but i seriously wouldnt worry about it. good luck.


wouldnt worry about it mate, 50% of plants show symptons like this when they are that far gone, you could try some nitrogen, but i seriously wouldnt worry about it. good luck.
thanks for ur reply man, they still have 3 weeks to go of flowering, so u think they will be ok???


hi guys, back again.
i have left them for a few hours and they are still looking like shit. hours of google and im still really unsure if they are Over watered or Underwatered. :\ is anyone able to tell from these pics if they are under or over watered? if they are over watered then giving them more water will jsut kill them i assume and i should be cutting off water for a day or so. vice versa if they are underwatered and i cut off water they will certainly die.. the last pic is a side by side, same strain of plant, same watering system same nutrients same everything.. this has really got me buggered.. anyways waiting to hear from the pros on what has/ or what i have done wrong and how to recover it.



Well-Known Member
It seems like environmental damage to me. Having those temps I'd be using a chiller for my reservoir well I wouldn't allow that in my room to be honest. Your plants are indeed showing heat stress, curling up tips etc. I will venture to say the problem is Diluted Oxygen as you don't seem like a noob grower messing up nutes or PH. Nevertheless DO is strictly related to water temps so this could be the culprit and explain why they look choked (Overwatered or underwatered), they are N deficient also but I wouldn't suggest adding anymore as they also look near harvest (about 2-3 weeks to go), so I'd do 1 or 2 heavy feedings and then flush the roots. what hydro method are you using?

You should've noticed by now cannabis is able to grow at 32°C+ Indoors fine (40°C is obsene lol), but you'll degrade potency, yield and other treats. I live in a very hot area too and you can find cheap solutions to fix this.


Active Member
yea i grow in soil too, when they havent been watered enough, they get wilty. but honestly that first plant looks pretty bad, is that the only one or are they all getting progressively worse? the lack of water wouldnt yellow them and do all that damage.


Well-Known Member
yea i grow in soil too, when they havent been watered enough, they get wilty. but honestly that first plant looks pretty bad, is that the only one or are they all getting progressively worse?
the lack of water wouldnt yellow them and do all that damage
yes it would for sure bro.


thanks guys for all ur responses. yea ive done a few of em before and never had this issue. the A and B nutrient mix i buy is normally spot on and highly recommended. i dont cheap out on shitty nutes. i always buy the good stuff, do my home work and have always had good results. just cant explain why it just happened to one and not the other. its a mystery alright. must have been when i knocked off the hose off of the water pump. i put it back on of course, but it seems to have put an air bubble in the line to the first plant which is the one that looks like shit. well i have now setup a full 50L barrel of just clean water, Ph down to get it to 5.5, a water mister to try and help, and i put a sachet of fongarid through the roots aswell to try and help the roots recover from damage.

during the summer months, the room has always sat between 32C and 36C according to my thermometer and they have always loved it and thrived.

i only have 2 plants, cause of the laws in australia. but they dont specify how big u can grow the 2 plants.. :P lots of studying, good training methods to get the spread out which gives u like 20 crown heads per plant, and dont cheap out on the setup. always good lights, always good nutes, the right equipment makes all difference. live AND learn from this.


It seems like environmental damage to me. Having those temps I'd be using a chiller for my reservoir well I wouldn't allow that in my room to be honest. Your plants are indeed showing heat stress, curling up tips etc. I will venture to say the problem is Diluted Oxygen as you don't seem like a noob grower messing up nutes or PH. Nevertheless DO is strictly related to water temps so this could be the culprit and explain why they look choked (Overwatered or underwatered), they are N deficient also but I wouldn't suggest adding anymore as they also look near harvest (about 2-3 weeks to go), so I'd do 1 or 2 heavy feedings and then flush the roots. what hydro method are you using?

You should've noticed by now cannabis is able to grow at 32°C+ Indoors fine (40°C is obsene lol), but you'll degrade potency, yield and other treats. I live in a very hot area too and you can find cheap solutions to fix this.
ahh missed your question about what hydro method.

2 plants, 1 plant per 50L pot
4x600w digital HPS
1x50L reservior which runs to waste
Ph down and run it between 5.5 and 5.8 Ph
coco A and B nutrient mix
flowering use rock resinator
flowering use rock grow
an aluminium frame covered with a plastic mesh to train plants to grow wide and flat producing about 20 crown heads per plant
4-6 weeks grow, 8 weeks flower


looks like heat damage. anything above 85 is little to much but most of the time they can handle it. add Ni and turn the humidity up. But all in all they should be fine with the changes you have made. just turn down the temp. maybe even put a fresh air intake.


Well-Known Member
I wish I had a solid answer for you, brother. What I can tell you is that your technique looks f'in solid! All those GD colas. That last pic of them side by side was like the Broncos/Patriots at the line of scrimmage. Damn. Hope you get it back.