Sex advice


Active Member
Could someone please tell me what sex this plant is? It flowered on its own under 24 hour veg lighting and now it appears to be ready for harvest. Thank you.



well it look like it has buds so I'm leaning towards femal because male don't produce flowers and you can see the calyz but it still looks like it needs more time can see alot of clear trich you want them to be milky for head high and amber for couch lock,if you wait a little longer they'll get fatter and since it's been under 24 hr light it must be an autoflower wait a minute for it to ripe up better IMHO


Well-Known Member
If you want my advice, I say go with the hot chicks...but always wear a rubber cause you cant be to careful.


Active Member
Will lighting affect how the trichomes appear under microscope? I have a digital microscope which has four white LEDs around the lens that I can't turn off. I took these pics with it, and most of the trichs look cloudy to me with a few clear and amber ones, but I am a noob after all...

under light.PNGunder led 2.PNGunder led.PNG

The last pic is of what I suspected could be balls, but they look different from balls I've seen on other plants. So this for sure is a lady?

under led 3.PNG

Edit: I should also mention that I haven't harvested yet... I just cut off one branch, there's plenty more :)


Well-Known Member
I use a 45x loop with a led attached...its cool, You'll know the difference when you see it.

I cant tell if there are male almost looks like a caylax was ripped away on the left side and new shoot is forming. I don't see anything that says male to me.

instead of looking down on your triches...view them from a side angle

pots a picture of the whole plant.


Active Member
Yeah it's spent its life under a 6 bulb T5 meant for clones/seedlings. I got this from some "grandaddy yellow" bagseed, which I wasn't very impressed with. So far this bud looks way better than what I got in the bag a few months ago. I was going to grow it into another mom... but the damn thing started flowering on me. Those little nutsack lookin things had me too worried to put it in the flower room.

I'll try to cover up the LEDs on my microscope and take a few side shots... see what you guys think about the trichs. I appreciate all the help so far.



Well-Known Member
very airy, almost looks likes its going back into veg...idk.

do you have 420 written in tape on your floor?


Active Member
Yeah it's my marijuana workbench... kind of a contradiction cuz I dunno how much work actually gets done on it.