Sex and Flowering


Well-Known Member
When plants show sex, do they generally show all pistils within a certain time of one another? Meaning, when one shows, all others will show within a given time frame? Or is it really just random and when they feel like it? Is there any rhyme or reason to it? Same goes for male flowers?


Well-Known Member
you can get pre-flowers (pistols or pollen sacks) in veg, but you have to wait till you flower for a few weeks before some show signs of sex.
What stage of growth are you in now?


Well-Known Member
I am about 2 weeks into 12/12 with 2 plants. One was going to be 12/12 from seed but I screwed up my light timer so it actually vegged for 2 weeks, so it's about 4 weeks total on that one, but not showing anything yet.

The other is showing mainly pistils, but some aren't open yet or could be male. Although some I thought might be male opened up and out came the pistils. That plant started showing pistils about 5 days ago with more showing every day.

BUT, all the pistils seem to on the higher nodes (top of the plant) and the lower aren't showing pistils (yet?).

electronic orgasm

Active Member
"BUT, all the pistils seem to on the higher nodes (top of the plant) and the lower aren't showing pistils (yet?)."

I would think the reason that the top of the plant is developing faster than the bottom is due to light penetration (Granted I don't know your lighting setup). Light is only good for a certain distance once it has travelled far enough its lumens are lost.

Da Silva Satia

Active Member
you can get pre-flowers (pistols or pollen sacks) in veg, but you have to wait till you flower for a few weeks before some show signs of sex.
What stage of growth are you in now?
that doesnt really make much since...........are you implying that the pollen sacks can show during veg but could be female in flower........

*not picking at you just you worded it a little weird and us new guys could be a little confused lol:confused:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
EO, I think your right. I didn't think of that. Just running 234w of cfl so that is probably it. Didn't know if it was directly light related, or if one starts they all start kinda thing.

electronic orgasm

Active Member
Your light setup will have a lot to do with it yes, but also take into consideration the genetics of each seed, especially if its bagseed. One strain may explode and grow really fast maturing well before the others, where as the other seed(s) with possibly different genetics may take a few extra weeks in veg to mature. One sign you may look out for though, is during your veg cycle the branches of the plant will grow symetrically to one another, side by side from the main stem, where as when the plant is reaching maturity the branches will begin to grow asymetrically and grow uneven off the main stem.


Well-Known Member
I write that way because I'm university educated, and I assume most people can read a sentence for what it's worth.

here.. let me slow it down so you can read it...

You CAN get pre flowers (which can either be pistols or pollen sacks) in veg. but you (usually) have to wait until you flower for a few weeks before SOME (plants) show any signs of sex.

Where did I say pollen sacks turn into pistols? No.. if you have pollen sacks.. they are male. If you have pistols you have a female. Sometimes you can determine sex in veg, BUT just because you don't have pistols in veg doesn't mean they are males. Some plants will only throw out their sex parts once they have been in a 12/12 light schedual (commonly referred to as "flowering" by everyone) for a few weeks.

That's why I asked him what stage of growth he was in.. so I would be able to elaborate more on my reply to him.

Does that help clear up what it means?

I know you aren't picking on me.. that's cool. I try not to come off all "teacher-y" when I try and help.. but re-read what I wrote now that you have a better grasp of what I mean and you will see it reads just fine... I'm not picking on you either, but if you are going to call me out in an open forum for me trying to help, expect a response.

to OP:
If you let your plant mature before you put it into flower, you will generally see pistols or pollen sacks as preflowers - but when you are throwing them into flower at 2 weeks old.. you may have to wait a little longer for them to develope. Just keep checking in on them till you can tell if they are male or female.


Active Member
My plants from seed, showed their preflowers at about 4 weeks when they're female, longer when they were male.

From my clones, I see preflowers within 2 weeks or so complete with alternating nodes off the main stem which is what I take as a good sign of maturity.