Sex is overrated!

You’re right sex with “the same person” over years and years can become boring. It can be debated whether we as human beings are genetically designed to be monogamous or polyamorous. So far scientific studies are finding that some of us are and some of us aren’t.
And that’s a pretty bold statement to say “love never lasts” isn’t it?
Good sex, amazing sex, is incomparable to good conversation or completing daily chores etc.
Haha someone’s not doing something right if that’s the case
I know this wasn't a reply to me but I was sorta quoted in the last bit, so, here we go.

have you ever had a proper conversation?

look at the comments on this post, every other guy thinks I don't know how to have sex because of what I said. Let's not forget all animals have sex but only humans speak for fun, so chances are that good speech is harder than good sex. So, what makes you think you know how to have good conversations? what if you are just a conversational premature ejaculator? how do you know if those who find other tasks as pleasurable or more than sex, aren't just better than you in those other things?

and I said completing your duties not chores, fuck chores :lol::bigjoint:
it is unlikely that I haven't had good sex. I have had more sex than I intended to in my life. and what I feel during, is that sex is good, but afterwards I compare it to other feelings I've had and I come to the aforementioned conclusion. the first time I played an instrument (not gonna say what in order to ensure anonymity) in front of a big audience (5000 people) and I rocked the F out of my solos, that was doing my duty well; can you honestly tell me the quickie I had in the after-party felt better than the show itself?!
Well it seems u already know the answer to your own question.

But to be fair you should have named the thread “Meaningless sex is overrated”
Well it seems u already know the answer to your own question.

But to be fair you should have named the thread “Meaningless sex is overrated”
how can I know the answer to my question, if the subject of my question is YOUR opinion?
nah man! all sex is overrated, meaninglessness is another topic all together.
(btw the quickie wasn't meaningless, it was my reward for being a good boy;-))
how can I know the answer to my question, if the subject of my question is YOUR opinion?
nah man! all sex is overrated, meaninglessness is another topic all together.
(btw the quickie wasn't meaningless, it was my reward for being a good boy;-))
Lol. Ok. Well I’m not going to argue about the topic anymore.
If u find there are sooo many other things in life that top sex then that’s very unfortunate for u. And on the other hand if ur not bothered by the fact then congratulations;)
Lol. Ok. Well I’m not going to argue about the topic anymore.
If u find there are sooo many other things in life that top sex then that’s very unfortunate for u. And on the other hand if ur not bothered by the fact then congratulations;)
cool man. how unfortunate for me that I have many things to enjoys in my life that can't cause me any heartbreak or give me any STDs.
cool man. how unfortunate for me that I have many things to enjoys in my life that can't cause me any heartbreak or give me any STDs.
People search the world for scraps of pleasure bc they have lost touch with the simple joy of being, they obsess over sex for the same reason they listen to loud music, it gives them a feeling of being alive, they have lost touch with the joy of being alive in itself. You are able to enjoy the little things just as much as sex, that indicates that you are not desperately searching for short lived pleasures, chasing the rabbit if you will, constantly trying to get the most pleasure possible and feeling bored or unsatisfied when that pleasure ends.
Some of you guys smoke too much. Nothing better than great sex with the woman you love. It can easily put you in a great mood for whatever else you are doing that day. More importantly it gives you a closeness, shared bonding, and an intimacy that humans crave that cannot be replicated in any other way.

You guys that think otherwise have a frame of reference for sex as beating off. The actual act is the smallest part of the equation when talking sex with someone you love.

I would give up weed for sure before intimate times with my wife, it’s not even close
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People search the world for scraps of pleasure bc they have lost touch with the simple joy of being, they obsess over sex for the same reason they listen to loud music, it gives them a feeling of being alive, they have lost touch with the joy of being alive in itself. You are able to enjoy the little things just as much as sex, that indicates that you are not desperately searching for short lived pleasures, chasing the rabbit if you will, constantly trying to get the most pleasure possible and feeling bored or unsatisfied when that pleasure ends.
cheers man, seems like we see eye to eye on a lot of stuff, glad to have found you:leaf::clap:
Some of you guys smoke too much. Nothing better than great sex with the woman you love. It can easily put you in a great mood for whatever else you are doing that day. More importantly it gives you a closeness, shared bonding, and an intimacy that humans crave that cannot be replicated in any other way.

You guys that think otherwise have a frame of reference for sex as beating off. The actual act is the smallest part of the equation when talking sex with someone you love.

I would give up weed for sure before intimate times with my wife, it’s not even close
look dude, it's not like I value sex, or think it's replaceable! all I'm saying is that subjectively, I find many things to be as enjoyable (albeit in different ways than sex) I might be wrong but I don't think I've made a ridiculous claim.
of course beating off isn't comparable to sex, in many ways it's inferior and superior in other ways but on a grand scale of things, totally incomparable.

say hi to your beautiful wife for me, I hope you guys have a long and happy life together, never having to choose between each other and weed.
As horny as i am, I actually agree that sex is "over rated"

imo culture today is too hedonistic. Sex surely is pleasurable and enjoyable in many ways... but not the end-all be all of all things like people generally seem to think

of course... some people live for it, others do it only when they care about it... but to each its own?

I think it's like music... There's a song and a sound for every person and many people will have conflicting views about what is and is not "good".
People search the world for scraps of pleasure bc they have lost touch with the simple joy of being, they obsess over sex for the same reason they listen to loud music, it gives them a feeling of being alive, they have lost touch with the joy of being alive in itself. You are able to enjoy the little things just as much as sex, that indicates that you are not desperately searching for short lived pleasures, chasing the rabbit if you will, constantly trying to get the most pleasure possible and feeling bored or unsatisfied when that pleasure ends.

Thats a really depressing look at life. Dude loud music and sex arent evil. Are you 85 and living in the 60's?
As horny as i am, I actually agree that sex is "over rated"

imo culture today is too hedonistic. Sex surely is pleasurable and enjoyable in many ways... but not the end-all be all of all things like people generally seem to think

of course... some people live for it, others do it only when they care about it... but to each its own?

I think it's like music... There's a song and a sound for every person and many people will have conflicting views about what is and is not "good".
absolutely correct. I wouldn't throw around the word hedonistic on a weed forum though,JK :lol::lol:

But joking aside I think it is one of the many pleasures of life, and disagree that for most people it is biologically the highest pleasure.

cheers for your thoughtful response, most people just called me impotent and left:lol: