Active Member
I know this wasn't a reply to me but I was sorta quoted in the last bit, so, here we go.You’re right sex with “the same person” over years and years can become boring. It can be debated whether we as human beings are genetically designed to be monogamous or polyamorous. So far scientific studies are finding that some of us are and some of us aren’t.
And that’s a pretty bold statement to say “love never lasts” isn’t it?
Good sex, amazing sex, is incomparable to good conversation or completing daily chores etc.
Haha someone’s not doing something right if that’s the case
have you ever had a proper conversation?
look at the comments on this post, every other guy thinks I don't know how to have sex because of what I said. Let's not forget all animals have sex but only humans speak for fun, so chances are that good speech is harder than good sex. So, what makes you think you know how to have good conversations? what if you are just a conversational premature ejaculator? how do you know if those who find other tasks as pleasurable or more than sex, aren't just better than you in those other things?
and I said completing your duties not chores, fuck chores