

Hey , im jus wondering how do you determine the sex(male or female), and how big does the plant have to be to determine?:joint:


Well-Known Member
some plants will show sex during veg.. usually 4 - 6 weeks into veg they will show pre flowers... if you want to know earlier than that you can cut a clone, root it, and put it under 12/12... after about 2 weeks (one week to root and one week under 12/12) you should be able to tell if its male or female... if its male remove the plant it was cut from... if it is a female then you know what plants are females...

males look like they are growing little grape clusters at the nodes....

females have two little white hairs, called pistils, that will pop out at the nodes....

hope this helps..

Bob Saggit

Does smell have anything to do with the sex? Because i'm probably in my fifth week since germination and the plants are getting pretty robust and they smell kinda skunky. Do males also stink like that?


Thankx man , but is there any other method that i can see if it is male or female, because i have seedlings about 1 or 2 weeks into veg and want to no soon as possible.