

Active Member
ok guys im haven a bit of a problem my plant has the female hairs but its growing little balls inbetween leves and all over the place is that pollen? i thought if it was a feamle it didnt produce that?


Active Member
well im new to most of this but that either means its a hermie or its just a feature that females also have that does something else... from what ive seen around here it its a hermie which i dont know if it is then you should cut the little balls off to stop it from pollenating the female sections of the plant but wait until someone else tells you what to do lol and try to get a picture up that might help...



Well-Known Member
without a picture, we can't be 100% sure. but it sounds like you have a hermie, which has both male and female parts..... you can pick off the males parts if you can find them all. or just leave it and you'll get plenty of seeds.


Active Member
wont all of the seeds be hermie seeds though? thats what i think i read around here somewhere but as i said im still new to this...



Well-Known Member
not necessarily.....some will be hermie no matter what you do. but some will be female, however, all the female seeds will have a higher risk of turning hermie if put under stress.


Well-Known Member
btw, when you make a post, you can add attachments so we dont have to look at your gallery edit: those pics are bad lol


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by fdd2blk
there is a major difference. an inter-sexed plant is basically a female that spits out a few male pods. these pods seem to emerge from calyxes as far as i can tell. they are NOT a true male flower. they are 1 single flower out of a pod that usually caries numerous flowers. they are not contained within the typical male pod. these are NOT hermies. these are simply female plants that are experiencing some type of stress. their inner works are telling then that their environment is unstable and they need to do whatever they can to reproduce. this is why females will do this. it insures them that they will get pollinated and produce seed for next year.

a "hermy" is a plant that carries BOTH the male and female genes. they will most commonly show both sexes from the start. often showing male and female flower clusters on the same branching. these plants will have clusters of male pods. they will appear as the typical male flower. i have seen them with male on one side and female on the other. these are "true" hermies.

as far as seeds go....... i personally feel seeds from a female that shows 1 or 2 male pods are ok to use. i don't think they will grow out to be true hermies. they may have hermy traits embedded in them but i don't think it is too critical. seeds from a plant that show male and female flowers, or true hermies, i feel are unstable. these are probably seeds that were self bred over numerous generations. i feel that if you can find a seed or 2 in an otherwise seedless female that you can breed out the traits that caused it to self pollinate. possibly just by breeding it with itself under stable conditions for a generations or 2.

just something that's been banging around in my skull for awhile. take it for what it's worth. it's all just opinion.:blsmoke:
