Sexing during veg...need guesses! LOL


What do you guys think? Too soon or lookin good? Or the worst...its a male. LOL Thanks!!
im almost positive if you have the 2 little green hairs at each node or stem its female could be wrong though im not a expert looks like it could use nitrogen though


Well-Known Member
Too Soon....
Watch and learn ...
This is when you learn how to read a plant...

even if it is a 'Male' there is no rush to throw it out...
Why the rush?
Too Soon....
Watch and learn ...
This is when you learn how to read a plant...

even if it is a 'Male' there is no rush to throw it out...
Why the rush?
Just curious. Roughly how long does it take for the pollen sacks to open after the first begin to show? I read up on the subject because I am a beginner on my first grow and most information said to pull the males as soon as you know they are males. Based on that, I pulled all of my males as soon as they showed tiny bushels of little balls. Other than pollen collection, is there any other reason to leave them in the garden for any amount of time?


Well-Known Member
Yes pull the Males when they are 100% males and they show...
No need to guess ever...
Females, generally show their sex after males [not always]...
So, Male would need to be Sexually mature... with a seed pod opening and dropping pollen...
I have seen it happen in a day...
Then you would also need to have a female plant with viable buds to attract and gather up pollen...
Then you would get seeds 12-27 days later [after pollen from male gets to female bud]
Wait and watch the growing...
Sometimes what you see will be nothing...
sometimes it will be a branch...
Other will be a miniature calyx that shows you... yes female...
Wait and watch and learn....


Well-Known Member
Just curious. Roughly how long does it take for the pollen sacks to open after the first begin to show? ?
Sometimes [plant must be able to be sexually mature] they start to show... but it isn't yes it is.... no it isn't kind of thing...
There is no rush, as long as you check daily... first thing.... If you have viable buds hairing up, then keep a closer eye...
Like I said... I have seen what looked to be male... might be male... BLAM open pollen sack...


sometimes [plant must be able to be sexually mature] they start to show... But it isn't yes it is.... No it isn't kind of thing...
There is no rush, as long as you check daily... First thing.... If you have viable buds hairing up, then keep a closer eye...
Like i said... I have seen what looked to be male... Might be male... Blam open pollen sack...