sexing outside


since i am growing outside and i cant do anything about nature and the course of the sun, how do i sex my plants? will they do it naturaly? if so, when will they do it? thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
they do it naturally at sexual maturity, I've heard at the 5th true node, I've heard 4-5 weeks of growth, but I see no pattern really, probably has many variables. Just gotta wait for the outdoors, unless you wanna try the paper bag method with outdoor plants.


Active Member
It depends on where you live for one. I live in texas and had a one plant that sprouted on april 2th and on aug 3rd she showed preflowers which was great considering i grew her for so long without knowing. The bag method can work but i have never tried it. This year i had sprouts feb 1st and keep them indoors until early april when i put them outdoors and with a couple of weeks showed flowers, she is in the process of reveging outside now which i hope doesn't stress her too much.