

Active Member
so here my situation i have 3 plants one i am now possitive is a boy:cry: but the other two have no distinguishing characteristics. now i have read that males will show sex first is this true? and if it is does it give me better of of my last two being girls?


Active Member
thats awesome then i hope my last two will be female. i have another question tho i've heard you can make good hash with a male plant instead of just tossing it how can i go about doing this


Well-Known Member
You can make hash out of any clippings, leaves, or stems, There is several ways to do it. The first thing you will need to get a decient amount of hash is about a half pound of material.


Well-Known Member
You can still get hash out of it. The best thing to do is keep the clippings in a bag in the freezer till you are ready to make it.


Active Member
well the plants been pulled couldn't leave a male could seed my other plants so i pulled it. there r no trichs on it so is it worth making hash