Sexual Discoveries

damn you people are not to creative?????
I know Im creative! I think that when a man has a small penis he should still have the right to have sex. Ha. Doesnt mean the whole relationship should be foreplay.
So what I was meaning is if men grind when they are having sex it will make it more pleasurable for her as well... and thats not the only thing you can do either.
damn you people are not to creative?????
And if you were referring to me going over the micro penis again, by not making me creative. There are thousands of posts I try to read up on most, but I cant read them all. So, with that being said, sorry for missing the lesson and retouching on the subject.:joint:
well im sorry im an asshole sometimes.............that being said i heard...... no penis just grind on her, um i am a woman and i dont know alot about the subjest other than what i touched on in school. One in every two thousand babies is born with genitalia that is not consistant with the medical norms esablished by god knows who (J. Money) John Hoppkins hospital has specialized in the area for years.

i am with ya girl and i was reading because i think it is wrong to preform sugeries on children to make them "normal" Dr. in the past could just choose what gender they though a child should be and do the surgery....... So in the case of a migro penis to take away is easy to add is hard so they often made these children appear female on the outside. Soooooo mush behind this topic and woman can have large clits also. Lots of good books out their Anne Fosto-sterling i think Sexing the body is a well rounded book
well im sorry im an asshole sometimes.............that being said i heard...... no penis just grind on her, um i am a woman and i dont know alot about the subjest other than what i touched on in school. One in every two thousand babies is born with genitalia that is not consistant with the medical norms esablished by god knows who (J. Money) John Hoppkins hospital has specialized in the area for years.

i am with ya girl and i was reading because i think it is wrong to preform sugeries on children to make them "normal" Dr. in the past could just choose what gender they though a child should be and do the surgery.......

Its cool as long as you dont mind when Im an asshole in return sometimes.
My friend actually dated a man for about 2 months. He was good looking, great personality, he was an ob/gyn md, Just overall good people.
After about 6 wks they hit the sheets. She said all he had was a stub. Not to mention, he didnt even talk about it with her. She wasnt sure what to do and she said it was very awkward because she said he felt like she was having sex with a woman. I guess it must have been hard for him to explain. She left and they never talked again.
No matter what the doctor chooses, the person will already have a difficult time in life. :( Might as well let them be who they are, males.
that would be terrible...on the other hand, I dated a girl once that had a pussy the size of a could have had a gorilla dick and it would not have mattered......
well im sorry im an asshole sometimes.............that being said i heard...... no penis just grind on her, um i am a woman and i dont know alot about the subjest other than what i touched on in school. One in every two thousand babies is born with genitalia that is not consistant with the medical norms esablished by god knows who (J. Money) John Hoppkins hospital has specialized in the area for years.

i am with ya girl and i was reading because i think it is wrong to preform sugeries on children to make them "normal" Dr. in the past could just choose what gender they though a child should be and do the surgery.......

Its cool as long as you dont mind when Im an asshole in return sometimes.
My friend actually dated a man for about 2 months. He was good looking, great personality, he was an ob/gyn md, Just overall good people.
After about 6 wks they hit the sheets. She said all he had was a stub. Not to mention, he didnt even talk about it with her. She wasnt sure what to do and she said it was very awkward because she said he felt like she was having sex with a woman. I guess it must have been hard for him to explain. She left and they never talked again.
No matter what the doctor chooses, the person will already have a difficult time in life. :( Might as well let them be who they are, males.
Damn, that's like the most awkward thing I've ever heard. I feel bad for all parties involved:cry:
yea well you can also have an enlarged clit and if they cut it off so its normal in size you will never have real sensation in your vag that would suck!!!!!!!!

then some realy have both male and female external or internal organs
yea well you can also have an enlarged clit and if they cut it off so its normal in size you will never have real sensation in your vag that would suck!!!!!!!!

then some realy have both male and female external or internal organs
That would suck. How big of a clit are we talkin about here?
yes in fact i knew a girl that could penetrate her female partner i am not a medical student i was looking from the psychology aspect of thing

intersexed people have writtin a number of essay or memior type biiks very interesting with the right partner who has a clue about sex they can often live a very normal life, even sexualy