shadow people and dreams

cap master

Well-Known Member
i would advise burning some sage sweet grass around your doors and windows as well as offering sacraficial tobacco to goot spirits to accompany you burn it inside and outside your doors. this entity i call a graveling they follow u around and try to bring misfortune uppon someone whove they have attached

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Are you talking to me? Im pretty sure I dont have any demons fucking with me lol I dont fear spirits that have bad intentions, I think Im above them. Though I do believe in that sage grass stuff, my uncle did that to my house a couple times. I've been holding on to some old bagged tobacco for the purpose of giving it to the spirits, I just dont know how to do it. Do I throw the tobacco in a fire? Do I put it on the ground and say "Here you go" ?


Well-Known Member
Are you talking to me? Im pretty sure I dont have any demons fucking with me lol I dont fear spirits that have bad intentions, I think Im above them. Though I do believe in that sage grass stuff, my uncle did that to my house a couple times. I've been holding on to some old bagged tobacco for the purpose of giving it to the spirits, I just dont know how to do it. Do I throw the tobacco in a fire? Do I put it on the ground and say "Here you go" ?
Do it like they do in the 'hood, pouring a little of their 40s on the ground for their dead homies...


cap master

Well-Known Member
i would just call out to the spirits ask them to protect you and help ward off bad spirits tell them ur offering them tobacco and just set the bag on a shelf and dont smoke it. its theyre offer from u basically as a peace treaty


New Member
I got them sometimes, i used to think they were a made up image my brain made because my brain was working faster than my eyes could move. Ever looked at your self on your phone camera, look left and right, for a moment the phone is playing catch up. On certain drugs i can look in the mirror and the same thing happens, how, my brain was taking the image from a wider angle and displaying it to me. Shadow People are just your bro's flow.