Shangeet's first grow with cheese cuttings


Active Member
SUMMARY : :fire:


Pic of Today


Pleasantly surprised today they measure around 10 inches tall and pretty bushy i think they may have to be flipped a bit earlier than Saturday by the looks of them now :-)


Seriously considering flipping them tonight

This is how they stand at the mo I've decided to flip them now for 2 reasons
1) there's this whole situation with maybe having to move and to be honest it's really starting to worry me so the sooner this crop is done the better
2) I think they have come along really well, when I received them they had loads of roots but where quite small but now after 18 days of being in bigger pots they have flourished and I'm hoping they do triple in size but to be honest when I move I'll be starting another grow almost straight away so the smoke I get off this should hopefully last until I'm ready to harvest the next lot :-)
But the main reason is the first really :-( the second is probably me trying to justify myself :-(

just been up and pruned all plants ready for flower (flipped on Tuesday)

please give me some feedback as it felt so wrong lol


Active Member
Lookin good! I'm subbed. I have some sweet cheese beans put back for the future so I'm interested in seein how yours turns out!!:)
Been there done that, its all in my journal. I have to say its hard and i got caught by a family member and had to destroy my crop. Have a read its in my sig. I was going to transport all my plants into the boot of my car in black bin bags under the cover of darkness. The only thing i would suggest is that ya veg em and flip after ya moved. This is because they will be in total darkness for at least 24 hours which is gonna make em flower. Good luck with that mate.
Edit- You havn't been given notice yet? If you are half way thru flowering when the time comes think about odour controll. I would put a 1 litre tub of ona block in the car to help aid this.
24 hours of darkness will make them flower dnt be stupid man ive ran out of electric for 2 days nothing happened and another time the light broke on a wednesday ordered a new 1 didnt come for r5 days left them in the dark they were fine fuck sake people treat these plants like petals lol its weed people they can take a hell of a bashings ive dropped fully grown flowering plants and it snapped shock horror it still flowered on for 3 weeks just taped the snap up lol people need to realise not to treat them like babies just feed um n let them have light thats all anything in between is here nor there