Sharing my progress...

A few weeks ago I had to kill one of my plants when a plethora of pollen sacks appeared. I was saddened, but kept hope alive for my second plant.

Believe it or not, I started this from seed before Christmas. The weather, of course, was crap for growing, so it stayed a seedling for several months. Once the light improved, though, she really started taking off.

A few pistils here or there started appearing a few weeks ago, about the time I killed the hermie. She's made some good progress over the last few days, though, and I'm really excited. So here she is, what are your thoughts?

Here is the top. I'm not sure if she's flowering here or if she's still growing up. Should I "top" this plant?


Well-Known Member
You'll be watering that girl every 6 hours in about 4 weeks, lol. Is that a five gallon planter, hopefully?

Anyway, she looks fantastic...

It's not quite 5 gallon, but it's pretty big. And yes, I expect to be watering her quite often soon. Right now, I water it in the morning, and moisten the soil again in the evening after sunset. So far, so good.


Well-Known Member
Think about setting it in a reservoir of some kind so the soil can wick water up as it needs it. That's usually vacation advice, but it also works for large plants in small containers outdoors.

Good luck with everything.
She's making good progress, the little buds are looking better every day. I noticed the plant doesn't have much smell to it, though. It just smells like plant. Is that indicative of a problem?
Some new pics. I'm thinking it'll be a sativa dominant hybrid. It just seems to have some indica traits.

She's getting fatter.

The flowers are looking fine, and blooming on most of her branches.

Main cola starting to look good.

All the pretty flowers... :weed:

Down on the bottom shady branches.

And some extreme flower close-ups.

Don't see a lot of trichome production, coupled with the non-existent scent, I'm thinking it won't be very potent. That's almost fine with me though since sativas make me panicky. Just enjoying growing her from bagseed to flower.

Oh, and sorry for the broken pics above; didn't realize I couldn't edit a dated post.
Checking in with some progress. I haven't moved her into the sun yet today, got about an hour to go before I do. I thought the lower intensity light would make for some better pics. I digress; here's where she's at right now. I'm hoping she'll be ready to harvest mid-September, but am prepared to go the distance if necessary. I understand Sativas take longer to mature.

Top o' the plant

Some side action

Down in the shadowy depths

I hope these buds start swelling up soon!
Comin' along.

Buds are getting thicker now.

Trichomes are covering all the flowers now.

I'm seeing a lot of reddish/violet stems on my fan leaves, and a lot of the inside fan leaves are beginning to die off. I understand this is normal for a maturing plant, so I'm not too concerned. Looks like I'm on schedule to harvest in a couple of weeks.

Another thing to note is the plant's odor. It hasn't had much scent up until a week ago. It still doesn't smell like your typical cannabis plant, but it's developing a strong smell that reminds me of hash oil.

I'm itching to trim off this branch to sample the bud, but I don't want to stun the plant at this stage. You can't see in the pic but I've transplanted it during the last week; she fell over and the clay pot shattered. I was quickly able to get her into the bucket, and she didn't seem to mind, but I don't want to take any unneccesary chances with her at this stage. Would pruning this bottom branch hurt anything?



Well-Known Member
That's a sativa dom. Trimming that off and smoking it now would be hardly better than trimming off and smoking a fan leaf.

She still looks great!
Thx bro. :)

I did end up trimming the bottom two branches as they were way feeble compared to all of the other growth, even the other lower branches. After drying the buds for a few days, they were dry enough to burn, so I sampled some this morning. Premature look and smell (expected) but good taste and decent high. Not spectacular, but enough to make me excited for the finished product. :D

All I have is a 10x loupe, so I can't really distinguish between cloudy or clear trichs. I should be able to tell when they start turning amber, though.
Here's what the buds are looking like, testing out my new phone's cam. I've been "sampling" the small buds while all of her large colas mature.

Think I'm on track to harvest in 7-10 days.