Sharing outdoor auto experience...


Well-Known Member
Alien..what strains u got?
Well im running my first indoors right now. Its a lemon auto and its doing well, looks like decent tricombs forming so ill see in a couple weeks when it finishes. I got a mamba negra auto on its way as a freebie which i intend on using outside, but ive been looking at think different by dutch passion.
Looks ok for an outdoor...1.5 m finnishing height should do well in the weight category.i would hope.


Well-Known Member
Just saying that's what I've read. Never grown an auto myself.
I don't want to be a dick, but I'm probably going to be a lot nicer than a lot of people on here would be: don't say anything if you don't know. You don't need to perpetuate the litany of false (until proven true) information regarding growing, or any other subject for that matter, that is all over the Internet.

For instance, I read that Obama is a lizard person online. Doesn't mean I throw up a PSA on public bulletin boards.

Sorry for the double, double post in this thread.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to be a dick, but I'm probably going to be a lot nicer than a lot of people on here would be: don't say anything if you don't know. You don't need to perpetuate the litany of false (until proven true) information regarding growing, or any other subject for that matter, that is all over the Internet.

For instance, I read that Obama is a lizard person online. Doesn't mean I throw up a PSA on public bulletin boards.

Sorry for the double, double post in this thread.
Righto Mate. Thanks for the over the top response.

Edit: You sound like a dick.
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Well-Known Member
I don't want to be a dick, but I'm probably going to be a lot nicer than a lot of people on here would be: don't say anything if you don't know. You don't need to perpetuate the litany of false (until proven true) information regarding growing, or any other subject for that matter, that is all over the Internet.

For instance, I read that Obama is a lizard person online. Doesn't mean I throw up a PSA on public bulletin boards.

Sorry for the double, double post in this thread.
Double posting is awesome!


Well-Known Member
You will probably be pretty hard pressed to veg an autoflower for 4-6 weeks. They do just what the name implies, automatically flower. 14-21 days in your plant will probably start throwing out pistils wether you want it or not.

Edit: sorry for the double post
Your right yet your wrong.
Flowering does start around 3 weeks but those are preflowers alot of people dont know that autos can veg while preflowering. You shouldnt switch to flowering nutes until all upward growth has stopped which is around week 6.
I live in FL... Very humid and hot so i will have to cut out rotted chunks every day or two until harvest...
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Well-Known Member
I have even cloned a auto green thumb irainin auto keep it under 24 light it wont flower u go thur enough beans theres keepers;i have done afew crosses with it.MOST will turn to mush out side but not all


Well-Known Member
I've had decent luck with Pyramids White Widow Auto. Average about 2zips each with a small amount of mold. Chop them at about 70days. They probably could go longer but the loss due to mold wouldnt be worth it.
I've noticed the calyx's on the main stem turn brown early and that seems to kick the mold into gear. Plucking them off seemed to help.


Well-Known Member
I've had decent luck with Pyramids White Widow Auto. Average about 2zips each with a small amount of mold. Chop them at about 70days. They probably could go longer but the loss due to mold wouldnt be worth it.
I've noticed the calyx's on the main stem turn brown early and that seems to kick the mold into gear. Plucking them off seemed to help.
How was the smoke? Did you do a report? I have a bean of that that I will be trying out after my Cheese Candy is done.


Active Member
Hey guys just thought I would throw my 2 cents in i have grown autos outdoor multiple times and have never had mold as long as u get good quality seeds and choose your spot right u should have no problems I think that as far as adding nutes when flowering is crazy if u use good soil like a ffof ffhf 50/50 mix with perlite in 3 gallon pots for first month with minimal nutes week 3 and 4 indoor then put outdoor directly in the ground and mother nature will provide all the nutes u need,or u can grab some time release flowering fert. And sprinkle everywhere. Also I have done a lot of research on autos probably 2 years worth no joke and most people who say that autos are not potent or a waste of time either didn't care for them properly or had some shit seeds,or just simply never grown them b4 Autos have come a long way and can produce an ounce or 2 of quality chronic relatively quickly


Active Member
O I get my seeds from they don't have a huge selection but they are the cheapest and all there seeds r tried and tested with great reviews and grow everywhere on the Internet