Shasta County enacts OUTDOOR BAN

Wow! Wtf! They are clamping down over here in butte county rite now to. Though not quite as severe as an out-rite outdoor ban. If this new amendment (butte)doesn't get amended, it would practically be a ban also. 1 of 2 votes just passed unanimously today.
yeah your tellin me its some bullshit the people dont have a voice its some richy fuck sittin in his chair tellin us what we can and cant do on our OWN property
Wow! Wtf! They are clamping down over here in butte county rite now to. Though not quite as severe as an out-rite outdoor ban. If this new amendment (butte)doesn't get amended, it would practically be a ban also. 1 of 2 votes just passed unanimously today.

50sqft.......pretty much a ban.
It prolly will too.....sad to vote is coming up in feb and those sqft restrictions were unanimously voted yes.

Next step for cali prolly full legalization.

There is a silver lining. Supply falling short will create a higher demand.
It prolly will too.....sad to vote is coming up in feb and those sqft restrictions were unanimously voted yes.

Next step for cali prolly full legalization.

There is a silver lining. Supply falling short will create a higher demand.
My god! Between thinking of the new amendment thing, and getting done watching the gop response to the state of the union, I'm gonna throw up!
why is california backtracking, I dont understand why we dont harness this industry and spread the wealth around.... how can they not see the economical disadvantages to pushing cannabis out of their counties
They are a bunch of liars the Bitch from District 3 said 85% of the people in her district are against MMJ.
The did approve more money for a bigger jail.
Shasta County..
Come on vacation...
Leave on probation....

I'll keep my grow going out side so I might need a Lawyer and Bail$.
I grow 6 plants I have talked to all my neighbors and they are cool.
This is illegal and I challenge them by growing on MY PROPERTY that I pay taxes on and OWN..
why is california backtracking, I dont understand why we dont harness this industry and spread the wealth around.... how can they not see the economical disadvantages to pushing cannabis out of their counties
They get bribe money from the Big Pharm? Ate paint when they was babies? Total Retards?? REPUBLICANS???
California Health & Safety Code 11362.5.(a) This section shall be known and may be cited as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996.
(b)(1)(B) To ensure that patients and their primary caregivers who obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes upon the recommendation
of a physician are not subject to criminal prosecution or sanction.
They get bribe money from the Big Pharm? Ate paint when they was babies? Total Retards?? REPUBLICANS???

Uhhhhh, I'm wiiling to bet it's the REpubTARDs. Not that ALL republicans are ree-ree's but......
Btw....isn't it a fine if you keep growing, and get caught? Vs. Jail time?
They ask for polls so they do what the majority wants. But these ass hats do the opposite.
Tell me their not getting paid off by some one.
And Basco the Sherriff is just worried his weekend warrior funds is in jeopardy.
TRUTH - Legalization in California is moving forward with California Cannabis Hemp Initiative 2014.

Would you pay 50 cents to legalize marijuana in California? If so, and if you are a registered voter in California, please print, sign and mail this petition. It has been shrunk down to a 8.5 by 11 that can easily be printed from your home computer with standard paper. Please be sure to select ACTUAL SIZE. This must be done manually as the default is shrink to fit. Please share this with EVERYONE. Upload it to emails. Distribute links on the interweb. Cast this seed far and wide and let's get this across the finish line!!!

cchi 2 page.pdf
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so basement or house growers are out of business too ! guys if it is legal in the state of California. and not legal in the city ???????????????? wtf kind of shit is that ? total bull shit. so I already know what will happen some personal smoke grows will shut down. most out side grows will be stoped. but the commercial growers don't give a fuck they will keep growing. im in Michigan legal state. if my city told me I could not grow but mi told me I could an I have paid my fees o be a caretaker I would not shut my grow down no fucking way, why am I paying all the state fees ???? so keep growing it. just contact your attorney first. my bet is you wil be told to keep doing what you are doing . the city does not have total power over the state, im very interested to hear what a attorney or lawyer will say about this .
We have a resident electrician here on rollitup. Is there an attorney in the house? Very, very interested in what an attorney knows.
As far as in Butte, everyone i talk to, seems to think that this dude from Western Plants Science? Something like that, anyways he's saying he can get this new amendment amended.
I know this thread is about Shasta. But maybe we can all come together and figure out what can be done to fight these idiots!