She F'n killed him! Are you F'n blind! Yes!

Big P

Well-Known Member
I guess from the fact that only CCO is responding to a bunch of other posters, we all know what's going on....

what, you mean that we are on a pot smokers forum with a bunch of hippi wannabees and a few real ones?:bigjoint:

luckily this forum is not a scientific pollbongsmilie

Big P

Well-Known Member
Pride is defined by Webster's as a "feeling of superiority; a haughty attitude shown by people who believe, often unjustifiably, that they are better than others.

you really should not make fun of mentally retarded people...:evil:

actually tips pride is being proud of who you are, being able to look yourself in the face and be proud of what you are.


New Member
actually tips pride is being proud of who you are, being able to look yourself in the face and be proud of what you are.
The ancient Greeks coined the word hubris to represent "excessive pride or arrogance." Jesus is quoted in the Gospel of Matthew: "And whoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."

Big P

Well-Known Member
The ancient Greeks coined the word hubris to represent "excessive pride or arrogance." Jesus is quoted in the Gospel of Matthew: "And whoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."

tips i know what pride is i dont need old superstitions and hubristic texts to teach me this.


New Member
Pride. It is what it is, and to each their own definition. I'm proud of many things, most of all though, I'm proud of the fact that I'm a proud person. I'm proud of the fact that those I surround myself with, for the most part :wink:, are proud people. At the end of the day, I can say I'm proud of myself. It's inspiring, pride. It makes the hard decisions easy. How best can I be proud of my work? Myself? Whatever it takes, that's what I'll do. Lest I feel like a schmuck, undeserving of pride. How that must feel.............


New Member
A poem by Longfellow, The Sicilian's Tale; King Robert of Sicily, relates the story of a defiant king whose proud nature was subjected to humiliation. King Robert is exposed to the naked truth that not even the most powerful of us is indispensable. It is an inevitability that the dethroned are left vulnerable to the arrows of derision. The kingdom was not restored to Longfellow's Robert until he embraced humility.......................


Well-Known Member
A poem by Longfellow, The Sicilian's Tale; King Robert of Sicily, relates the story of a defiant king whose proud nature was subjected to humiliation. King Robert is exposed to the naked truth that not even the most powerful of us is indispensable. It is an inevitability that the dethroned are left vulnerable to the arrows of derision. The kingdom was not restored to Longfellow's Robert until he embraced humility.......................
"bongshit". lol, good one. :mrgreen: :eyesmoke: bongsmilie :roll:


Well-Known Member
Did anyone see SNL? LOL!........................

When is she gonna play that flute, damn it? I heard she was 'GOOD' on that thing!


New Member
Pride. It is what it is, and to each their own definition. I'm proud of many things, most of all though, I'm proud of the fact that I'm a proud person. I'm proud of the fact that those I surround myself with, for the most part :wink:, are proud people. At the end of the day, I can say I'm proud of myself. It's inspiring, pride. It makes the hard decisions easy. How best can I be proud of my work? Myself? Whatever it takes, that's what I'll do. Lest I feel like a schmuck, undeserving of pride. How that must feel.............
uhhhh, I think that's exactly how schmucks feel, like schmucks. Pride baby, pride, I'm a schmuck and I'm proud of it,~LOL~. Buck up CC, maybe someday you'll actually grow up.......................

Big P

Well-Known Member
uhhhh, I think that's exactly how schmucks feel, like schmucks. Pride baby, pride, I'm a schmuck and I'm proud of it,~LOL~. Buck up CC, maybe someday you'll actually grow up.......................
yea thats true maybe after that he can then help raise that cute little whipersnapper of a canidate barry obama:mrgreen:
