she went limp


Active Member
i went into my room today and i haven't been in there in two days. two of my three plants grew 2-3 inches from the two days i haven't been in there and where touching my flourencents, they were also droppy as hell. they have never looked like this before. today is one month they have been growing and they are going into flowering this weekend. please help. did they just get too close to the light. i moved in up about 5 inches. temps are 84 humidity 64.


Active Member
they arent soft at all just hanging there. they're supposed to be getting water in 12 minutes ill check them and make sure everything is going good


Active Member
ivw been feeding them the same since day one. now that they are getting large shouls i change their watering cycles. now i water twice a day for 15 minutes. should i do twice a day for 30 minutes or three times a day for 15.


Active Member
I grow in soil so I wouldn't know. Generally, the bigger the plant gets the more water it needs.


Active Member
i just checked on them again. i moved the light up (hour and half ago) and i just put the timer on to give them an extra 20 minutes of feeding. they already look better. only drooping about half as much and the one that was leaning over has straightened up. could it just have been that the lights got to close or maybe to much time between watering. im so excited there looking better already, i think im going to spark up a bowl right now.


Well-Known Member
i just checked on them again. i moved the light up (hour and half ago) and i just put the timer on to give them an extra 20 minutes of feeding. they already look better. only drooping about half as much and the one that was leaning over has straightened up. could it just have been that the lights got to close or maybe to much time between watering. im so excited there looking better already, i think im going to spark up a bowl right now.
I did a grow with those same mop buckets from the dollar store... very brittle when they get cold...

yes they need more water.

if you are running a system that has a reservoir you should have air stones in the water or have it so the water drops into the res. bringing o2 when it hits the water.. i would say you should run water at least once an hour with that much hydroton.. but if you dont reuse the water then thats alot of water...


always smoke a bowl when waiting for problems to fix themselves... when its a dry plant by the time your done smoking its standing upright again.. magic


Active Member
The water does drain back to the res but I should add an airstone in there still. I'm planning on switching them to a dwc system when flowering. Has anyone done this. Go from a drip to a dwc. If so how did the take it.