Shes looking a little saggy w/pics


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have a pot filled with 1/2 perlite 1/2 canna coco I buried about half the 4" rockwol cube into canna when roots showed at bottom of cube.

Ive been using a 1.2EC dosage of calmag plus, adv. sensi a & b, sweet, hygrozyme.

The first week i didnt realize how much the ph could fluctuate and I nailed her with a 8.0 ph watering for two days. since then ive just stayed at the 1.2 Marker and have been working on consistency.

Today I took the water from the bottom of the pan and noticed that the EC of that water was 2.0 and the ph was at 6.5.

This plant has a 600 watt hps riding twelve to 14" off her and sun baths for 18 hrs a day and still has these saggy leaves... what might I be doing? I have heard you can have a hard time over watering canna coco but have only watered once a day (nute water every day with just ph'd water 3 days a week)to fill the pan 1/2" up then drain out the pan waste.

Anyways any help appreciated.

My temp at lights on 85 at canopy but I usually open up the doors and get it to 79* the vent duct has a fan on the other end blowing cool air right on it. average humidity 31 to 34.



Active Member
hello friend, I worked with the coco a little bit and it can hold some moisture for sure. You mentioned you water everyday correct? try and let the medium dry out some, i know my friend was dripping his coco everyday but I've heard you can get drooping leaves from over watering


Well-Known Member
Yea thats kind of what I was thinking. I FIMmed it today as well. I also try not to stick to the 10 oclock every day type regimen, usually ill stick my finger down into the coca and see how dry it is. Im going to take the advice of you guys so thanks.

I had a DWC before this and at this age (32 days from seed crack) I had fan leaves as large as my hand. Anyhow, this is supposed to be a grand daddy strain.