shiiiit! my og startes to flower. revert to veg?


Well-Known Member
Hey, so I haven't had a veg closet ever since I got my tent and hps setup. I just got some t5's BC only 1 of my plants was vegging, and I have been pulling him out of the tent and putting him under CFLs to keep him (her) from flowering, but sometimes I would forget or wouldn't be home, so he's basically been on 12/12 for a while.

I just started noticing calyxes with pistils sticking out. Is there any way for me to get this plant back into veg? I was thinking of pulling off the preflowers and putting it back under the t5 (4 bulbs, 2 blue 6400's and 2 2700 UK's). Or should I leave the preflowers alone?

I had the answer to this in one of my books, which my cat ruined when she spilled milk on it. Now I'm crying over the spilt milk.


Well-Known Member
Here's the problem:

This thing had a ton of tops; I've lost a few from several problems I've had, all of them related to not having a seperate veg room. Its fallen over (off its stand, like 2 feet onto its face) and also had some cfl bulbs fall and sit on it for about 30 minutes. Lost a couple tops there. I had just tied the tops down to try and mainline it when it fell over and I had to cut a few so I could tape it.


Well-Known Member
I would think you can veg it as long as there isn't any physical buds on it.
So basically you sexed it? It's fine to sex and then veg again.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thor. that's normal. the plant is just showing sex because she is mature enough to be flowered.

You can continue to veg her as long as you want. and then when you flower her she will take off quickly.


Well-Known Member
Okay shew! Thanks a bunch guys, that's really good to know. Thank god I got my t5's up today. Its so much nicer having a separate veg room (well, closet).

You know, I had a really small plant in with the others when I switched to the hps and they sexed. It was older than it looked, BC I had kept it in a really small hempy style pot (just to try it out), but i was only feeding it every few days with the other plants, instead of daily. So it wound up staying alive, but basically not growing for like a month. It started sexing, and I transplanted it into a bigger smart pot. All of a sudden it started growing like crazy, it was gaining like an inch a day and not flowering like the other ones were. I guess that's what it was doing.

So is there a way to know for sire that its re-vegging? Will it keep growing pistils on all of the new growth? More pistils at the bud sites that already have preflowers? Basically any way to tell if its flowering or if its still vegging.


Well-Known Member
Okay shew! Thanks a bunch guys, that's really good to know. Thank god I got my t5's up today. Its so much nicer having a separate veg room (well, closet).

You know, I had a really small plant in with the others when I switched to the hps and they sexed. It was older than it looked, BC I had kept it in a really small hempy style pot (just to try it out), but i was only feeding it every few days with the other plants, instead of daily. So it wound up staying alive, but basically not growing for like a month. It started sexing, and I transplanted it into a bigger smart pot. All of a sudden it started growing like crazy, it was gaining like an inch a day and not flowering like the other ones were. I guess that's what it was doing.

So is there a way to know for sire that its re-vegging? Will it keep growing pistils on all of the new growth? More pistils at the bud sites that already have preflowers? Basically any way to tell if its flowering or if its still vegging.
Light cycle. Make sure 18/6 Nd its going to veg no matter how old it is.


Well-Known Member
it's not flowering. it's simply showing sex. it's not going to reveg because it's not in flowering. it will continue to grow with NEW pistils and calyx everyday. but NOT buds. just preflowers at the nodes.


can't you throw some i think it's blood meal for more N to revert back to veg IF he needed too? I ask for the knowledge cuz I have some 12-0-0 are the NPK and that is what a friend told me.


Well-Known Member
He is not flowering................................. no need to reveg a plant that has only shown that it is a female. that is all. preflowers do NOT mean your plant is flowering.


He is not flowering................................. no need to reveg a plant that has only shown that it is a female. that is all. preflowers do NOT mean your plant is flowering.
Your long line of period strike me as if you assume I said he WAS flowering. Re read my post please, I said IF. IF he was flowering, would blood meal revert it back to veg. IF............................

Sorry if I come off as a dick, I recently quit smoking good ol MJ lol.


Well-Known Member
I read it correctly and saw IF. i was just stating that there is no need to talk about what to use for re-vegging since he will not have to deal with it..
Re-vegging will reduce overall yield and potency regardless of if you can get seeds the second time around. they will not be what the original flowering plant produced.

Something about the genes doesn't like to be put in and out of flowering more than one. since they die off in nature and spill their seeds for the spring thaw to germinate them.


I read it correctly and saw IF. i was just stating that there is no need to talk about what to use for re-vegging since he will not have to deal with it..
Re-vegging will reduce overall yield and potency regardless of if you can get seeds the second time around. they will not be what the original flowering plant produced.

Something about the genes doesn't like to be put in and out of flowering more than one. since they die off in nature and spill their seeds for the spring thaw to germinate them.
hahaha, your a dick! still didn't answer my question, and I know you did that on purpose hahaha, fuckin guy! imma rep you just cuz i like the way you do business!

I imagine it produces a lower yield due to all the energy being put into producing buds rather than growing, then being forced back to growing..?


Well-Known Member
Yes what you originally said about the whole IF thing was correct. he could use a product HEAVY Nitrogen to revert back to veg. this is done by some people. and some people don't like the idea of it(me lol)

Sorry if i was acting like a dick.
yes decreased potency because of the switch back and fourth for a plant that only has a 6-8 month life span in nature.


Yes what you originally said about the whole IF thing was correct. he could use a product HEAVY Nitrogen to revert back to veg. this is done by some people. and some people don't like the idea of it(me lol)

Sorry if i was acting like a dick.
yes decreased potency because of the switch back and fourth for a plant that only has a 6-8 month life span in nature.
fuck now you made me feel bad haha, i thought you would just call me a prick and like my status but you apologized in stead haha. All good bro, I'm just very open with my words and feelings. Thanks for passing the knowledge, i appreciate it because
this is basically me just confirming my own knowledge on growing, as I literally just started during like june. Been reading and reading ever since.


Well-Known Member
keep it up. PM me if you ever need help with something. give me a link to the thread and i'll see what i can do to help out. :)


Well-Known Member
Well, I, for one, learned something new here today on sesame street.

The letter of the day is "V" for re-Veg. And now, back to the Count to see how many days left in flower...