Shipping Drugs through fed-ex or ups....

The forum rules state: By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. It is strictly prohibitted to post any message related to drug-exchange, trafficing or drug-dealing. The owners of have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.
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Where's a moderator? I know I'm pretty new to the website and probably have no business posting the rules, but I love this site and don't want to see it or it's members jeopardized. I think these kind of questions are very counter-productive to what most people here ultimately want: the legalization of marijuana.
Wear gloves when you package it send it UPS or Fed Ex in a can of coffee or a sealed empty paint container. Send it to yourself from a false company name and address. That way it will just look like a company is sending you something. And if on the small chance your caught you have plausible deniability.
Wear gloves when you package it send it UPS or Fed Ex in a can of coffee or a sealed empty paint container. Send it to yourself from a false company name and address. That way it will just look like a company is sending you something. And if on the small chance your caught you have plausible deniability. If my plan works and it will send me some.
Wear gloves when you package it send it UPS or Fed Ex in a can of coffee or a sealed empty paint container. Send it to yourself from a false company name and address. That way it will just look like a company is sending you something. And if on the small chance your caught you have plausible deniability. If my plan works and it will send me some.

This is an old thread.
He's already in the joint.
Okay, let me put it this way... what you're really asking is, which is MORE dangerous... shipping it ONCE, or carrying it INDEFINITELY? Honestly I lean towards the first, though I do not advocate either.

Youre absolutely right. Every exchange of possession exponentially increases risk.
Ok here it goes, I've been traveling cross country with a large amount of ecstasy tablets (over 1000) for some time and was wandering what risks are associated with shipping them. I've done some resaerch already and found the US postal service uses dogs but fedex and ups do not. Let's say I were to anonymously send it to myself from another state. If confiscated, what charges would I face, if any at all?

Basically I am tired of driving around with all this shit and want to mail from Miami to NY. Any other ideas are greatly appreciated. :weed:

So, how did it go? Did you ever figure out how to ship them?
Ok here it goes, I've been traveling cross country with a large amount of ecstasy tablets (over 1000) for some time and was wandering what risks are associated with shipping them. I've done some resaerch already and found the US postal service uses dogs but fedex and ups do not. Let's say I were to anonymously send it to myself from another state. If confiscated, what charges would I face, if any at all?

Basically I am tired of driving around with all this shit and want to mail from Miami to NY. Any other ideas are greatly appreciated. :weed:

Yeah, quit selling that shit FUCKHEAD!
YOU are part of the problem!!
I hope your ass got caught....