Shipping Mary Jane from state to state

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when i was in cali visiting i had an ounce and an 8th mailed back here using USPS. It came in nice sealed up bags from the dispinsery. i just put it in a few storage bags, wrapped it up with some other things and put it in a big padded mailing envolope.
allegedly the us government does it best. (so i have heard, i dont do illegal things like this though). i have heard that you can search for a directive from the postal service which tells you what they look for. i would guess that you would just make sure you dont do all these things and then just hope. i have heard that the more you send the more likely you are to get caught. this is all hearsay and i would never take such a chance.
i work for ups and we have had packages acidently broken up in transit and it be weed i also swear i have smelled it before while loading packages.
I've personally seen 8 lbs shipped at once. 8 different boxes 1 lb per box, and the guy had the balls to label them. attn said White Widow or what ever strain was in the box. lol all 8 arrived on time.
I've personally seen 8 lbs shipped at once. 8 different boxes 1 lb per box, and the guy had the balls to label them. attn said White Widow or what ever strain was in the box. lol all 8 arrived on time.
Yup, and my dad is Neil Armstrong, and my mom is Bill Gates.
I love how all the dumb shits come on here talking about shipping. If you have to ask then you probably should not be doing it, let alone knowing damn well cops surf these sites just to bust dip shits like so many above... Get a fucking clue and keep your mouth shut, you may be giving away info to PIGS. Some people fell out the stupid pussy when they were born and need to get the fuck off this site.
SHut up......

OP .....Sounds like a GREAT plan.You should do it for sure! But make sure to insure the package so you can get your $ back in case the cops snag it.

unacceptable... you have had several people tell you that *you* are not allowed to speak about this on this site, due to the forum rules which *you* agreed to before becoming a member... you need to remember where you are and what you are doing... these forums have rules so that they do not get shut down... maybe you are not old enough to remember to old overgrow dot com site... perhaps you should google it, and see what happened... stop doing this now before this thread is locked and you are banned... respect is the largest driver of this site, and right now you are not only disrespecting us but also the site and yourself (even if you can't tell, we can)... please stop being abusive and or get your head out of your tail... got busted because it was involved with Marc Emery seeds as well. Over 1000 growers were raided in a single day because of the website. Last thing we need here is dumb asses causing the same situation due to their ignorance. Just for asking how to move it between states it is a felony, CONSPIRACY TO TRAFFIC ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES. got busted because it was involved with Marc Emery seeds as well. Over 1000 growers were raided in a single day because of the website. Last thing we need here is dumb asses causing the same situation due to their ignorance. Just for asking how to move it between states it is a felony, CONSPIRACY TO TRAFFIC ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES.

show some proof. they only showed the servers being taken......
My bad I meant information raided, not personally raided, though I would be sure to think that many did take a hit!
I used to get OC's in the mail from AZ once a month. I was always nervous when they were en route, but I always got em. I can't imagine shipping a large quantity of stinky MJ though, I wouldn't do it...How far of a drive would it be?
Shipping yourself is just all around stupid. You go from dealing with local law enforcement to the fed, who will gladly send you to a big scary butt-pounding, don't-drop-the-soap, join the aryan brotherhood to get by prison for a few ounces. Remember in the eyes of the government even miniscule amounts qualify as intent to sell. Don't put yourself in a position to be some guy's bitch for the next few years because you wanted to ship an oz. Get some other dumbass who's desperate for a couple bucks to do it for you.
Forget all this. What we need to do is find out where Border Patrol stores all the Ganja they confiscate.

.....FYI, we would need some helicopter pilots and a whole lotta guns. Maybe I'll start a recruiting thread....hmmm....
Forget all this. What we need to do is find out where Border Patrol stores all the Ganja they confiscate.

.....FYI, we would need some helicopter pilots and a whole lotta guns. Maybe I'll start a recruiting thread....hmmm....

just listen for the bigest party around, or find the border patrol agent with the new zo6 corvette... theres the booty/
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