Shipping Weed From U.S To Philippines

Never shipped, heard about fedex being a way to send when I inquired. I have been living in the Philippines for about eight years now. I smoke a lot of local shwag and the supply isn't consistent. I am in the Quezon province area. Growing your own is the way to go. Also make the trip to Sagada, hash and nice weed. weed everywhere, north of Sagada past the town of Bontoc is a town called Tingluk I believe, from there a short hike will take you to a few villages with nothing but hash, pure and beautiful. Most of it is shipped to Australia and Japan, but here it is only 30 pesos a gram. All through the Cordillera mountain range weed is grown by the locals, actually they grow just about everywhere but these places are the quality areas.
If you get caught, trust me, money talks big here. You may have to pay but your ass won't be in jail. I have known and lived with Filipinos for 37 years, if you speak some of the language, don't disrespect people, and be humble, it can take you a long way. A big plus if you know someone with clout. A phone call can get you out of jail. I spent seven months in a filipino rehab (alcohol), got a bit of a feel for it, heard many stories about prison from filipinos. You would survive if you aren't a pussy. No BF goes on in prison here as enough coin can get you a good places to sleep, food and women. Have fun! Paalam

i have talked to a guy who cultivates weed before in the province at a local plant shop. and they dont know shit how to properly dry and cure there weed that is why the quality is bad. i had harvested my land race to compare the quality of the weed here...and i can assure you pure sativa at its best.
thanks everyone for your replys im considering everything u guys said. and im full filipino btw for everyone that thinks im white lol
you know whats funny when i first came to the philippines i had 8 grams of weed in my pocket not even joking and made it through the san fran international airport. it was a really stupid idea looking back it. and after a month of living here i was watching discovering channel and watched that episode.
smuggle a few seeds is your best bet, really you cant just mail something your basically smuggling u gotta do it properly on your person or someone else lol

The law prescribes the death penalty for drug traffickers caught with at least 0.3 ounce of opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine, marijuana resin, or at least 17 ounces of marijuana. The Philippines has imposed a moratorium on the death penalty, but drug offenders are still punished harshly if caught – the minimum sentence is 12 years in prison for possession of.17 ounce of illegal drugs.

  • Don’t bring your personal stash with you. Don’t get conned into carrying drugs for others, whether as personal favors or for profit. The risks far outweigh the possibility of getting away with it. You can bet the Bali Nine or Schapelle Corby (see Notable Arrests below) thought they could get away with it, too.
  • If you’re bringing prescription drugs with you, play it safe and bring the prescription for these drugs.
Notable Drug Arrests

  • Schappelle Corby - convicted of smuggling almost 10 pounds of marijuana into Bali. She could have received a death penalty – instead, the judge sentenced her to 20 years in prison.
Forget about smuggling weed here, it really isnt worth it. Like what some guys said, its better to just grow your own. The customs here can be very zealous in inspecting all sorts of mail - they're always in the lookout for something they can make money on (charge fees/taxes, or outright steal them). There's a lot of horror stories of mail not reaching their destination. So if you're sending anything a little larger than a document parcel, do expect that it will be checked.

I've tried two seedbanks and got them safely in the post. That was a close call on littleflavio's order from the tude tho. Thanks for the heads up. Btw littleflavio, how long does it take to flower the locals? Mine just started growing pistils.

Dude, Dont risk it. Look for dealers or grow it yourself. All you'll need is some closet space, Some CFL lights, some autoflowers and some extras(such as pot,soil, nutes and a small ionizer) and you can get away with growing 2-3 plants per 2 months if you know what you are growing.

If you are hellbent on doing something like that, check your PM. I'd rather not post something in public. The last thing I want the LEO's to talk about is how they found something interesting on the internet over a coffee break.

i moved to the phils when i was 14 came back to canada when i was 17... the weed was great and cost $0.50 per pre rolled joint. why bother imo.
do a google search for "How to Smuggle Cannabis"


From experience I can tell you that as long as you send small amounts, less than an oz, the worst case scenario would be the parcel is intercepted and a customs/mail investigation document is filled out. One or two of these is no big deal, but if these start to accumulate and they detect a pattern, you´ll need a good attorney.

If you plan on sending larger amounts, study your moves carefully.

Fedex sucks, they´re a private courier, respect no laws or privacy. It´s hit and miss with these companies, for some people it works and for others it doesn´t.

Feel free to pm me if you need any pointers or creative ideas.
dont do it brah.

u dont wanna be a dealer in the philipines. first off any other dealer that finds out about u, is going to rob and kill you, and if ur unfortunate enough to be white when they do that, lets just say theres worse things than being raped to death w a chainsaw, im not sure what those things are but there probly are some.

dont even fuking try to sell. not so much as a fucking bowl. u might do ok if u ARE philipino, but if u even have an american type accent, if the locals think ur cutting them out
you will fuking dissapear. no im not being paranoid. no im not feeding u a line.

the world is the world. and your either a local, or an outsider, PERIOD. at least if a cartel kills u in the good old USA someone MIGHT eventually find ur body.
if they kill u in the philipines, they wont, EVER, find ANY of u.

so id say just stop smokin weed till u graduate and consider this the price u pay for moving TOO the philipines for school. whats wrong, bogatas cumunity colleges full??
couldnt get a visa to sierra leon? u know i here mexico city has a great college, and they also like to kill gringoes for dealing, and its ALOT closer to where they will be shipping your ashes for the funeral.

dude thats BS. I lived in the PI from 2001-2010, bought kilos for cheap, sold em for a lil profit while keeping some too. Yea the laws are sick, but most people i blaze with dont give a shit. in college we smoked in the campus, in the streets, everywhere.
I got caught twice from the PULIS, you just have to bride them with a little money and they will let you go. ONly broke people stay in jail!
Dont do it man. The punishment there is steep. Death penalty or getting locked in their crummy jails.