Shit went bad!

Dutch Ma5tar

Active Member
So I had 12 females hidden in a spot.. and these punk fuckin kids found out. and i got too worried about them telling some more people (which they would) and either..

A.) Steal it around harvest time..

B.) Keep snooping around the area and get caught by the cops, and I KNOW they would rat me out to save there ass.

So I had to do the worst thing I ever had to do.. Kill 6 and move 6.

And not to mention they were in the ground, not pots. People were telling me it was impossible to transplant an in ground plant to another location. It was a 7 hour process and took all night. 3 look droopy and injured and 3 look perfectly fine. :joint::blsmoke::joint:

But now the new spot they are at, they get less direct sunlight, and I'm pretty pissed. So here is a lesson for all of you at my expense..


Well enough said.. I will post pics soon of the surviving few! Take care all!

P.S. - Any tips on reviving the transplanted let me know. Thanks, Toke on!


Well-Known Member
If you have a local hydro store that sells Advanced Nutrients products, they have a product that is for transplanting that revives them really really well.

Shit went bad, but could've gone worst!

Regardless, you will be happy come harvest time :D


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you've been told and have heard many times not to tell people... but you didn't listen. I guess some people have to learn the hard way.

Dutch Ma5tar

Active Member
True, thanks everybody! I'd rather kill off half and move them than somebody else enjoy the fruits of my labor! (Not to mention my wallet being a little lighter!) But I checked on them an hour ago and they seem to be doing alot better! and yes I did learn the hard way =P


New Member
You should have set bare traps all around the area, then let them try to come around your plants around harvest. also you should have dug a huge hole and filled it with sharpened bamboo pointing up all along the bottom, and covered the top with grass.