

Well-Known Member
I don't have my camera to show you but I made a shitty drawing in paint to show where the fan hit.

anyway my fan fell on the middle of the plant and split the stalk down the middle about 1 centimeter down. So I clamped the 2 ends back together with 2 zip ties. Will it be okay? I fixed her about 2 minutes after it happened, so i responded pretty quick.



Active Member
cannabis is pretty damn resilient. i dropped my cfl on mine, and left it for 3 days without light, drooping off to the side, and it's lookin pretty good now. i just put it to flower time.


Active Member
it depends on the injury. are you saying that the stem literally split in half? cuz that sounds really bad. remember, a plant's stem is like our circulatory system. It's not good to slit your wrist, so breaking your stem isn't good either. but just ride it out. it might be ok.


Well-Known Member
The very bottom stalk. Its the thickets part and supports 4 other stalks. Its about 1 centimeter thick and the split was about 1 cm or .7 cm deep. I got it pretty tightly closed together. zip ties are strong