Shit !!!!!

Carribean Blue

Well-Known Member
Fucking hell just shiting myself in a fucking lorry talking about jeepers creepers cant fucking sleep omg so fucking scared need WEED !!!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Wait, are you afraid of the movie jeepers creepers? Fuck that movie, when the chick's brother just get's taken at the end...I mean, like what the fuck do you do then? lol, I have brothers, I love them, would die for them, but if some fucking CREATURE just straight swooped down from out of the sky and took off with one of them....I dunno what the fuck I would do next....


Well-Known Member
oh no SHIT! That second one was just...I dunno. Stupid.

The scary movie that used to scare me the most was Child's Play. It didn't help when my mom bought one of my brothers a fucking My Buddy doll, that looked disturbingly like Chucky....


Well-Known Member
Hidee Ho Ha Ha HA!

Scary bastard needs to DIE.

Seriously, when we were younger, we thought this My Buddy doll was Chucky. It scared us so bad, we tried to get rid of it SEVERAL times. Once we just left it at a park, but some good samariten came running up to our car telling my mom "You're kids forgot thier toy." Our mom thanked him, while we silently cursed him.

Then we tried to throw him in the trash on garbage day...but my mom ended up running out a last minute bag of trash and seeing him and bringing him back in for us.

Once we threw him under the HOUSE like through this vent hole...and I don't remember WHY, but like a few days later my mom just so happen to be looking under there and she saw him and brought him back...

It was seriously like we were cursed. Finally we threw his ass on the heater (we had a floor heater) while my mom was asleep. he started to melt and then caught on fire...that's how we finally got rid of the bastard.

Look at the pics! If you were like...5 wouldn't you think that was chucky?



Well-Known Member
That movie was so cheesy that it was nacho flavored.
lol, i know! But it didn't seem cheesy when I was like 6....seemed not only possible but totally plausible. Or did you ever see those Puppet Master movies? Yet another reason for me to fear dolls. Or Magic? With Anthony Hopkins? Fuckin dolls...

And CLOWNS! Like there's the Killer Clowns from Outerspace....and then there's that movie where escape mental patients dress up like clowns...and IT...lots of movies exposing the evilness of clowns.


Well-Known Member
dude jeepers creepers is so lame and boring, scary my ass man lol its like play school or somethink kid like


Well-Known Member
i was scared of gremlins... allway's thought they would jump out of the sink when i wash'd my hands after the toilette ^^ rofl....
