

New Member
any advice guys? My 1 plant I have been vegging to take clones from to start my scrog is showing signs of female(hairs). Now I dont know what to do because shes only 8 inches tall and already starting to flower. My plan WAS to take clones to grow 4 plants to fill out my screen. But now Its flowering way to early. Its still under 17hrs light. havent cut back. So what should I do to get a good harvest? I will be using a 400 watt hps. Im thinking take as many clones as i can and do a sog.(multiple small pots/plants)? Im assuming that is all I can do at this point......fuckkkk meeee


Well-Known Member
You do realise that plants can show their sex during veg???

Once a plant is mature enough it will show pistils or balls regardless of what lighting schedule you are on.

just because she is showing you she is a girl does not mean she is in flower she wont flower until you put her under the 12/12 cycle unless she is a auto and in that case you havent a choose. But if she is a reg then clone away she will be fine. i have taken clones two weeks into flower it toke about two weeks for them to root but kept the strain going.
You control when the plant is going to flower by controlling the light. The fact the plant is showing signs of being ready to flower dosnt mean it will. Congrats on the female though!


New Member
just because she is showing you she is a girl does not mean she is in flower she wont flower until you put her under the 12/12 cycle unless she is a auto and in that case you havent a choose. But if she is a reg then clone away she will be fine. i have taken clones two weeks into flower it toke about two weeks for them to root but kept the strain going.
why do you say if shes reg you can take clones? I cant take clones from a female? That have to do with somehow stunting the plant? In a little panic I took a few more cuttings. but thats ok. Now im just about guaranteed to have 4 healthy clones to grow out...yay. thank you guys for the fast respones and the great advice. yall are the best
if she is from reg seeds clone it if from autos you cant clone because they will still flower with the mother but i see its from a reg so clone away and happy growing.


New Member
I am also curious about why you would use 17 hrs of light? at least you know you have a keeper, good luck.
cuz i was saving a little electricity(barely anything) and I had people over to inspect the house so i was trying to keep the growth as slow as possible


Well-Known Member
any advice guys? My 1 plant I have been vegging to take clones from to start my scrog is showing signs of female(hairs). Now I dont know what to do because shes only 8 inches tall and already starting to flower. My plan WAS to take clones to grow 4 plants to fill out my screen. But now Its flowering way to early. Its still under 17hrs light. havent cut back. So what should I do to get a good harvest? I will be using a 400 watt hps. Im thinking take as many clones as i can and do a sog.(multiple small pots/plants)? Im assuming that is all I can do at this point......fuckkkk meeee
If u wer planning on takin 4 clones for a scrogg then still do that, doesn't matter that its showin female hairs this doesn't mean it's flowering. Anyway u can still take clones the first couple of weeks into flower, even while its showing pistils. Some will say that a clone takin in flower wil root faster