shocked during flowering


Well-Known Member
I trimmed my plant and it has gone into shock I believe does anyone know how long it will take before it goes back to normal and odes this affect my plant flowering like the day thing


Well-Known Member
You trimed your plant, I'm think you mean you topped
your plant yes some plants droop more than other they'll perk
back up in an hour or two at the most some plants it won't faze
then other plnats droop really good~


Well-Known Member
the plant doesn't benefit from that in any way

trim off dead leaves and undeveloped bud sites which get no light at all

anything else is taking away nutrient reservoirs, which is what your fan leaves also act as


Well-Known Member
Well thats what I did, anything that was lower than the 6th or 7th node I cut off it in shock I believe does anyone know how long it takes for it to get outta shock


Well-Known Member
It might not ever it could die, I think might also went into shock by topping it. It's very droppy.


Well-Known Member
Not none of my pics, I am growing a pllant now those pics were test. NOW I grew a plant for a few months and lolipopped just want to knpw how long it takes to come outta shock?


Well-Known Member
Mine is looking like it's coming back to life but it took almost a week to start looking decent again, We will see