shoots going erywhere


So my latest grow has been the first one to look like it was actually worth the time and effort.
Shit is growing shoots really fast, does this mean they are going to try and become tops? Or atleast produce buds on them?IMG_8523.JPGIMG_8508.JPG

Just topped the plant and it looks good (Actually fimd it first but that fucked up)
The reason this one is growing so great I think is because its not god damn lemon kush, I cant grow that for shit clearly.IMG_8506.JPG



It looks like they're becoming a main without any training, just one top.
Im super excited to see how this turns out :D
Here's a pic I managed to get of the stem (its a bit hidden away now)
Ands here's on of the main tops coming up through the dan leaves
Quick question also, is it possibly a bad thing how short the plant is? Im not too worried but would love your input thanks :)


Well-Known Member
The plant will grow don't worry bout how short it is now. One of the pix the plant didn't look so hot. Yellowed tips. Same pic the plant didn't seem to have much perlite in the mix. Mb a lack of O2 around the roots. We'll have to wait n see. Otherwise plants look good. Nice work