Shopping for an official Mary-Jane grow book


Active Member
I've searched online and found quite a few to choose from. The canibus grow bible, Weed to seed, Marijuana made simple, and Grow great marijuana now, just to name a few. Just not sure due to the lack of reviews, anyone who owns any of these books I sure could use a recomendation.


Well-Known Member
I have three books all packed with good information. Here's the list 1) Cannabis Cultivation, a Complete Growers Guide by Mel Thomas. 2) Marijuana Horticulture, The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible by Jorge Cervantes (lots of Pot Porn Pics). 3) Marijuana Garden Saver, Handbook for Healthy Buds by J.C. Stitch edited by Ed Rosenthal (This ones a must have for diagnosing plants that are unhealthy). If I had to choose just one it would #2. I mean who doesn't like wanking off to beautiful lovely ladies. Sorry too much info!


Active Member
thanks Hucklberry, both the 2nd and 3rd sound good. i could always use more help diagnosing my plants. i'll look them up in the morning when i'm not soo baked and tired


Well-Known Member
Ed rosenthal's marijuana grower's handbook 25th ed. -official course book of the oaksterdam university!!!!!!!! The best by far!!! No disrespect to my man jorge, tho... Professor lee"s how to grow grade a bud book is shit... Anyone on here knows as much< and much more than this jerkoff... It's really more of a beginner's book, like cannabis cultivation for dummies....


Active Member
What kind of books are you looking for.. Noob how to grow pot.. or better Botany through science


Well-Known Member
Ed rosenthal's marijuana grower's handbook 25th ed. -official course book of the oaksterdam university!!!!!!!! The best by far!!! No disrespect to my man jorge, tho... Professor lee"s how to grow grade a bud book is shit... Anyone on here knows as much< and much more than this jerkoff... It's really more of a beginner's book, like cannabis cultivation for dummies....

I have all the latest grow books and this one by Ed for oaksterdam is sick it shows it all
WAY better than the Greg green books;) church


Well-Known Member
jorge, ed, greg green, ryan riley.

All decent books. Probly wont have any information youll find usefull if youve grown for any period of time tho.

Stick to RIU. at least its possible to learn something new here.....


Active Member
Ed rosenthal's marijuana grower's handbook 25th ed. -official course book of the oaksterdam university!!!!!!!! The best by far!!! No disrespect to my man jorge, tho... Professor lee"s how to grow grade a bud book is shit... Anyone on here knows as much< and much more than this jerkoff... It's really more of a beginner's book, like cannabis cultivation for dummies....

Awesome! Everybody's saying the same thing about the Ed Rosenthal book. I'll have to pick it up when i get money.


Well-Known Member
Thank u! No question that Ed R. is the Ganja Guru of our time... His 25 ed Handbook is so informative and detailed, I don't see how anyone could go wrong if they own this book...