SHORELINE SINKING!!!!!!!!! please help!!!pic


please help brothers!!! These shoreline moms are about 4-5 months old from babies, and as you can see one is doing very poorly. problems started about 2 months ago, beginning with wrinkling/shriveling leaves then progressing onto a full blown yellow tone and minimal growth. potted in 5-7 G pots from 3s and a month1/2 ago and i'm using sensiA&B watering a half gallon each every other day. JUST moved under a 600 less than a week ago and before that it was under a t5. pleassssse help, im thinking a deficiency?
(bad one early)
(good one early)
(bad one)
(bad one)
(good one)
(good one with bad one sorta behind)
(side by side)

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
burnt leaf tips and edges are a sign of nute burn deep creasing and leaf edge turning up says salt build up , its not deficient its an overage


Ok but i PH the food around 6.5-7 and i was using thrivealive for about a month early on. What im bugging on is how can it be one out of the two that have been on the exact same regiment from cuttings??? Thanks!
BTW since putting em under a 600mh my buddy seems to think they need to be on 24/7. Tell me i'm not crazy for bitching that they neeeeed 18/6?


so now this morning the bad one is extremely poor yellow color with purplish edges? Pleaaaaaaaaase help, i'm leaning towards an organic tea to help things below the soil, but WHAT? Please help before i loose this shorty

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
my last two grows were almost complete failures couldn't figure out what i was doing wrong until the water report came in from the city. my TDS are at 524 and the PH is at 7.6 i was killing them with the city water the salts from the water build up in the soil and become toxic it looks like a dif. but its a toxic salt buildup that causes nute lockout , even feeding will cause this ...check your runoff PH and think about flushing with water you know is OK